The Drug Life!
The Effects Of Marijuana & Prescription drugs,
Reasons why people smoke weed
- Fit in
- Relieve Stress
- Peer, Family or role model influence
Marijuana affects almost every organ in your body, and your nervous system and immune system, too. When you smoke pot, your body absorbs THC right away.
Other physical effects of marijuana include:
Shallow breathing
Red eyes and dilated pupils
Dry mouth
Increased appetite
Slowed reaction time (If you drive after using marijuana, your risk of being in a car accident more than doubles.)
Thank You!
Sociological Perspectives
Drug Abuse
- Marijuana continues to be the most commonly used drugs for teens
Prescription Drugs Abuse
3 classes of highly abused prescription drugs
- Opioids used to treat pain.
- Central nervous system depressants used to treat anxiety and sleeping disorders.
Not supporting the addiction this can lead to crime, such as theft, minor infractions or more violent crimes.
- Stimulants used to treat attention deficit disorder and narcolepsy.
According to studies drugs are chemical once put into the body either by smoking, injecting, inhaling or eating they tap into the brain's communication system and tamper with the way nerve cells normally send, receive and process info
Structural Perspective
Creating Jobs
medically treat patients
Conflict Perspective
Encourage youth to smoke
- 24% of teens surveyed said they have taken a prescription drug without a doctors prescription
- Drug abusers is usually done by young adults between the age of 18-25
- In 2005 4.4 million teenager (12-17) in the Us admitted to taken prescription painkillers
Nature vs Nuture?