"Leadership is an attitude, a viewpoint, an idea, a thinking strategy, a way of life..." (Mercurius, 2006)
"Overcoming adversity is the single greatest test of leadership" (Cummings, 2013)
"The responsibility of leadership is often the hard work of balancing priorities" (Cummings, 2013)
Obstacles were made to be overcome. When a leader can continually be depended on to make decisions that tackle obstacles they gain trust from their followers. Many situations in my life have taught me that things rarely go according to plan and you always need to be calm and take some time to think when that happens. Dependability in problem solving is a key principal in the technology field and really in all aspects of life.
Responsibility is a hard earned trait which I am still learning about on a daily basis. I first learned about it when I had to get myself up at 7am in the summers for swim practice. I really respect those that can take responsibility for their mistakes as well as those who juggle an enormous amount of responsibility. It is a trait which is essential in the professional world as well as the personal.
My Leadership Credo
"When the going gets tough, the tough get going" (Quigley, 2017)
My name is Garrett Quigley and I am a senior majoring in Information Technology and Informatics at Rutgers. After graduation I hope to pursue a career in the cyber security field. These are the three words that make up my credo and help motivate me in my daily life.
This is a quote my dad always tells me when I can't think of a solution to a problem. It has helped me through some rough times and allowed me to develop a mindset that is focused and clear. As a leader, people who look up to you may be uncertain or scared and it is up to you to remain calm and fearless in even the worst conditions to give others hope.
"Real leadership requires relationships and personal engagement" (Champy, 2010)
Personal relationships are necessary for successful leadership. The people who help and support you are the ones that enable you to succeed in a leadership position. On top of this, it is a leaders ambition and drive to maintain and make new relationships which puts them in a position to succeed. If a leader can get everyone talking about a problem in the field of technology, it will get solved soon enough.
Champy, J. A. (2014, July 23). Does Leadership Change in a Web 2.0 World? Retrieved March 27, 2017, from https://hbr.org/2010/05/does-leadership-change-in-a-we.html
Cummings, K. (2013, February 6). Why every leader needs a personal credo | Emotional Marketing. Retrieved March 27, 2017, from http://www.kelliecummings.com/leader-credo/
Mercurius, N. (2006, March 1). Leadership: Become a Digital-Age Thinker. Retrieved March 27, 2017, from http://www.techlearning.com/news/0002/leadership-become-a-digitalage-thinker/57998
Quigley, T. F. (2017, March 27). When the going gets tough, the tough get going. New Jersey, Cherry Hill.