Aunt Deana
- Ma's father
- Ball cap
- Canberra
- Calls Jack "it"
- Cannot look at Jack
- Soon left to go back home
- Uncle Paul's wife
- Rectangle glasses
- Hair in dozens of braids
- Mother of Bronwyn
- Tries to enforce "gender bias"
- Easily frustrated with Jack in public
Uncle Paul
Leo "Steppa"
- Brother of Ma
- Long dark hair
- 29
- In past 8 years
- Married
- Child
- Supportive
- Hammock swinging
- Ice cream trucks
- Road trips
- Grandma's new husband
- Balding
- Smells of smoke
- Step-Grandpa "Steppa"
- Never had kids
- Allows Jack to feel his emotions
- Laid back
- Way more supportive than Grandpa
- Bonds with Jack
Cousin Bronwyn
- 3 years old
- Same size as Jack
- Braids like mother
- Friendly
- Child "lisp"
- Repetitive
Minor Characters
Major Characters
- 19 year old college student
- Thin and beautiful
- "Dog" trick
- Adopted child
- Mother, father, brother Paul
- Loves family, friends, and music
- Increasingly fearful
- Humility
- Second most important character
"Stories are a different kind of true."
Cartoon depiction
Uncle Paul
Leo "Steppa"
Aunt Deana
Cousin Bronwyn
Dr. Kendrick
Officer Oh
Ajeet / Naisha / Raja
Ma (After Room)
- Ireland
- Nurse assisting Dr. Clay
- "Maid"
- Says "offensive" statements
- Only to Ma
- Optimistic
- Peppy
- Enjoys showing Jack nature
- 26
- Grieves
- Many changes
- Realized she depended on Jack
- Mental instability
- Own apartment
"I think what babies want is mostly to have their mothers right there."
Plot Summary
Old Nick
Dr. Clay
- Just turned 5
- Long hair
- Small for his age
- Routine / control
- "Room is all there is."
- Loves Room
- Adores Ma
- Alice in Wonderland
- Dora the Explorer
- Compassionate
- Intelligent
- Brave
Jack (After Room)
- Terrified
- Everything moves fast
- Counts teeth
- Overly trusting
- Fascinated
- Develops sense of self / independence
"Maybe I'm human, but I'm a me-and-Ma as well."
"In the world I notice persons are nearly always stressed and have no I don't know persons with jobs do the jobs and all the living as there's only a little smear of time on each place, then everyone has to hurry on to the next bit..."
Dr. Kendrick
- Bleach blond bun
- Initial Dr. to see Jack/Ma
- Vitals
- General medical resident
- Observes Dr. Clay
- Disease testing
- Never get a "real" description
- 5'10
- 40s-50s
- Almost double Ma's age
- Kidnaps, rapes, confines
- Jack's father
- Groceries / vitamins
- "Sundaytreat"
- Manipulative
- Lost job
- Presents
- Jack's perceptions
- Routines
- Old Nick
- Unlying
- Truth
- Escape 1
- Airplane
- Dying
- Escape 2
- Jack escapes
- Police rescue
Officer Oh
- After
- Clinic
- Grandma/Steppa
- Baby
- Dentist
- Talk show Interview
- Mall trip
- Ma OD
- Living
- Grandma's house
- Playground
- New Apartment
- Return to Room
- Layered blond hair
- 59
- Thought daughter ran away
- Always remained hopeful
- Accepting
- Disciplinary
- Great mother / grandmother
- First "family member"
"It means...nobody being the boss of you."
Real life depiction
- Black hair
- Officer to respond to call
- Persistent
- Good sense of direction
- Quick thinker
- Underrated hero
Ajeet / Naisha / Raja
- Cumberland Clinic
- Tall black man with small beard
- Helps with readjustment
- Recognizes OCD in Jack
- Masks / glasses
- Poetry
Ma / Jack vs. Room
"The immediate priority is to help Jack feel safe. Both of you, rather. It's a matter of slowly, slowly enlarging the circle of trust."
- Jack oblivious / denial
- Ma misses real life
- Fights and food
- Lights
- Screaming
- Ajeet
- Curly brown hair
- Pedestrian approached by Jack
- Calls 911
- Another underrated hero
- Naisha
- Daughter pushing doll in stroller
- No hair
- Raja
- Dog that bites Jack
Ma vs. Old Nick
- Kidnapper
- Continued rapist
- Pent up anger
- Hiding Jack
- Ma escape attempts
Ma / Jack vs. Room
Ma / Jack vs. Old Nick
Jack / Ma vs. Outside
Ma vs. Ma
Major Settings
- 11x11
- Rug
- Wardrobe
- Skylight
- Rug
- Door
- Code
Ma / Jack vs. Outside
Minor Settings
- Ma comes to grips with reality
- Jack's "world realization"
- Paparazzi
- Technology
- Family changes
- Nature
- Communication
- Cannot be seen
- Skylight -> Outer Space
- Jack likes Room
- Air
- Tree / Grass
Cumberland Clinic
Grandma's House
349 Washington Street
New Apartment
Cumberland Clinic
- Ma and Jack after Room
- Dr. Kendrick / Clay
- 1 week
- Dental
- Room 7
- Interview
- Family visits
- Jack and steps
- Leads to outside
Ma vs. Ma
- Jack escape scene
- Old Nick sees him
- Ajeet's help
- Officer Oh
- Finding Ma
**Entire chapter holding your breath
Grandma's House
- Finally able to accept
- Can't handle truth
- Hard adaptations
- Feels no stability
- No old life resemblance
- Jack stays after Ma OD
- Family frustrated
- Life lessons
- Conscience
- Park
- Little boy
- Leo bonds
- Jack trusts others
349 Washington Street
- Location of Room
- Jack's clues
- Officer Oh
- Skylight
- Stop before museum
- Jack takes bag
- Recognized
- Bathroom incident
- Jack wonders
New Apartment
- New beginning
- Independence
- Room labels
- Wisdom / Knowledge
- Communication
- Life / Death
- Dependence
- Freedom
- Family
- Fear
A little about the author
- Ma / Jack vs. Room
- Escape
- Return at end
- Ma vs. Ma
- Extensive therapy
- Ma vs. Old Nick
- Prison
- Ma / Jack vs. Outside
- "Try one new thing everyday to see what we like"
- Jack always being scared
- Always reminded of old life
- Have to raise a "different" child
- Best years taken
- Didn't come home to normalcy
- Kidnapper / rapist
- Night visits
- Baby
- Continually blames Ma
- Overall demented
- Dublin
- Bestsellers
- Short stories
- Plays
Table of Contents
By: Emma Donoghue
Major Events
- Ma decides life/death
- Tells Jack of her old life
- Denial
- Relates to Alice
- Leaf
- Leads to acceptance
- Start developing plot
- Major Characters
- Minor Characters
- Major Settings / Minor Settings
- Protagonist vs. Antagonist
- Plot Summary
- Conflicts
- Themes
- Main Events
- Author vs. Reader Mood
- Conclusion
- Critique/ Recommendation
Escaping Room
- Dependent
- Ma's drama
- Extremely lucky
- Kind pedestrian
- Persistent officer
Presented by: Holly Stiffler
Returning to Room
Critique/ Recommendation
- Great book
- Powerful
- "Thinking" book
- Deep subject matter
- Unique perspective
- Ma is right
Donoghue, Emma. Room: A Novel. New York: Little, Brown, 2010. Print.
- Need to read (Everyone)
- Change views
- Takes you into different world
- Sensitive people will cry
- Movie
- "I'm deciding for the both of us"
- Ma's dependence
- Face her reality
- Needed to move forward
- Different perspectives of Room
- Family / friends surrounding
Reader's Mood
Author's Mood
1) "Unlying"
2) Escaping Room
3) Returning to Room
- Empathy
- Torment
- Anger
- Resentment
- Frustration
- Joy
- Confusion
- Exploratory
- Routine
- Control
- Fearful
- Nostalgic
- Bewilderment