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Transcript Academy of American Poets, n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.

<>. .Mabillard, Amanda.

William Shakespeare of Stratford: Shakespeare's Birth. & Where was William Shakespeare born? Alchin, L.K. William, 21 Nov. 2005.

Web. 26 Nov. 2013. <>.

Mabillard, Amanda. William Shakespeare of Stratford: Shakespeare's Parents Shakespeare Online. 20 Aug. 2000.

(2013) <

Mabillard, Amanda. William Shakespeare of Stratford: Shakespeare's Marriage Shakespeare Online. 20 Aug. 2000.

(2013) < >.

Mabillard, Amanda. Shakespeare's Children Shakespeare Online. 20 Aug. 2009.

(2013) <

Simpson, Catherine. "Shakespeare's World in 100 Objects." Finding Shakespeare.

Finding Shakespeare, 2013. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.



Nash's House & New Place." Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. Charity, 2013. Web. 26

Nov. 2013. <


"Shakespeare's plays, listed by genre." Open Source Shakespeare. George Mason

University., 2013. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.


"Lord Chamberlain's Men." Encyclopedia Britannica's Guide to Shakespeare.

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.


Ka, Linda. "The First Folio." William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare info,

n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013. <


Mabillard, Amanda. William Shakespeare of Stratford: Shakespeare's Burial Shakespeare Online. 20 Aug. 2000. (2013) <

Mabillard, Amanda. William Shakespeare of Stratford: Shakespeare's Burial Shakespeare Online. 20 Aug. 2000. (2013) <

Shakespeare's Plays." Shakespeare Online. Amanda Mabillard, 2002. Web. 26 Nov.

2013. <>.. "Three Sisters of Fate." Concepts, Ideas, Thoughts & Bullsh!t. Thomas W. Byxbe and Tai-Pan Development, n.d. Web.

27 Nov. 2013. < 2012/09/21/the-three-sisters-of-fate/#.UpYfpsSsiFx>.

William Shakespeare- Dates of Birth and Death

William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564

and Died on April 23 1616, he was burried two days later at Stratford Church. {}

Main Theater in which Shakespeare Was associated With

Iambic Pentameter

Three Theaters of Shakespeares Time

The Globe Theatre also known as the Shakespeare Globe Theatre was not only one of most famous playhouse’s of all time, but the play house where Shakespeare performed many of his greatest plays. The first play we know of that was performed at Shakespeare's famous playhouse was Julius Caesar in 1599. Other plays known to have been performed by Shakespeare and rest of his acting troupe were Hamlet (1600-1601), Twelfth Night Or What You Will (1601), Richard II (February 7th 1601) Troilus and Cressida (1601-1602), All’s Well That Ends Well (circa 1602), Timon of Athens (c1604), King Lear (1605), Macbeth (1606), Pericles, Prince of Tyre (1607) possibly The Tempest in 1610, The Two Noble Kinsmen in 1611, Shakespeare’s "lost" play Cardenio in 1612 and Henry VIII in 1613. {Shakespeare's Globe Theatre}

- The Rose Theatre - built in 1587

- The Swan Theatre- built in 1594

-Middle Temple Theatre- built in 1562

But Shakespeare's most famous theatre was the Golden Globe Theater built in 1599 and was owned by two actors. It diminished when a cannon ball went through the roof and the building caught on fire.

{Shakespeare's Theatres}

Shakespeare's Children

An Iambic pentameter is the name given to a line of verse that consists of five iambs (an iamb being one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed, such as "before"). It has been a fundamental building block of poetry in English, used in many poems by many poets from the English Renaissance to the present day. {The Poetry Archive}

Shakespeare's Wife's Name

Shakespeare's wife's name was commonly known as Anne Hatheway. But in their first records she was known as Anne Whateley, they are the same person. {Mabillard, Amanda}

First Child - Sussana

Twins- Hamnet and Judith

  • Hamnet died at the age of 11 for unknown causes. There was a possibility that it was the black plague more commonly known as the bubonic plague. {Mabillard, Amanda}

The Three Fate Sisters

Two Theater companies in which he was associated with

Shakespeare's Mother's Maiden Name

Location of Shakespeare's birth-town, country street

First Folio

Shakespeare's Mother's maiden name was Arden. She was the daughter of the wealthy Robert Arden of Wilmecote. He owned a sixty- acre farm called Asbies {Mabillard, Amanda}

Shakespeare was born in his family home. This was located on Henley Street, Stratford- Upon- Avon, England in Warwickshire County. The town was called Statford-Upon- Avon, because it was located upon the Avon river. {Alchin, L.K. William}

a. As the three Sisters of Fate, Lahkesis, Atropos, and Clotho, determined the fates of every mortal, God, andTitan. Clotho weaved the Threads of Fate, beginning all lives. Lahkesis embellished the threads, which decided the events that would occur in every being's life. Finally, Atropos cut the threads, ending a life. The Fates held power over even divine entities, such as Zeus or Gaia. Contrary to the games, mythology said that the powers of the Fates was absolute, even for Zeus. Though there are several references made to the possibility of Zeus changing Fate, he does not. In some tales and mythology, the Sisters of Fate are called the Moirae.

{Three Sisters of Fate}

1. Lord Chamberlain's Men- a theatrical company with which Shakespeare was intimately connected for most of his professional career as a dramatist. It was the most important company of players in Elizabethan and Jacobean England

2. Pembroke's Men- hey functioned under the patronage of Henry Herbert, 2nd Earl of Pembroke. Early and equivocal mentions of a Pembroke's company reach as far back as 1575; but the company is known for certain to have been in existence in 1592. {Encyclopædia Britannica}

a. very important to Shakespeare

b. The First edition of his plays

- without them there would be no William Shakespeare

c. Had 36 plays -- close to 900 pages

d. Was published in 1623

e. John Hermings and Henry Condell created his collection

- They were his closest friends

{Ka, Linda}

Halls Croft

New Place

Inscription on Shakespeare's Tomb

Work Cited

Location of Shakespeare's Grave

HallsCroft is traditionally associated with William Shakespeare's daughter Susanna. Sussana married a physician John Hall in 1607 and purchased this home. At the time it was known as the second best house in Stratford- Upon- Avon. Today, one can take tours of Halls Croft, and see artwork and items preserved from the 17th and 18th century. {Simpson, Catherine}

Also known as Nash's Place was named after Thomas Nash, who was the first husband of Shakespeare's granddaughter, Elizabeth. Just like Hall's Croft, it is to this day well perserved. {Nash's House & New Place." }

a. Judicio Pylium, genio Socratem, arte Maronem

Terra tegit, populus moeret, Olympus habet.

Stay, passenger, why goest thou by so fast?

Read, if thou canst, whom envious death hath placed

b.Within this monument: Shakespeare, with whom

Quick nature doed; whose name doth deck his tomb

Far more than cost; sith all that he had writ

Leaves living art but page to serve his wit.

Obiit ano doi [anno domini] 1616. Aetatis 53. Die 23 Ap.

{Mabillard, Amanda}

Shakespeare is buried in the chancel of Holy Trinity Church in his hometown of Stratford, Warwickshire. His gravestone bears an epitaph which Shakespeare himself supposedly wrote.

{Mabillard, Amanda}

Shakespeares Citations

List the Plays that contain the following characters

List the plays that contain the following characters:

3 comedies, 3 tragedies, 3 histories


a) Bassanio and Shylock -The Merchant of Venice

b) The three witches- Macbeth

c) Desdemona- Othello

d)Sebastian and Viola-Twelfth Night

d) Bolingbroke and John of Gaunt- Richard II

e) Falstaff (3 plays) -Henry IV, part 1

-Henry IV, part 2

-The Merry Wives of Windsor

{MIT Shakespeare}

a) “Now is the winter of our discontent…”- The Life and Death of Richard the Third between 1591 and 1593

b) “Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene…”- Romeo and Juliet

c. 1595. Shakespeare must have written the play between 1591 and 159

c) “Hence! Home you idle creatures, get you home; Is this a holiday?”- Julius Ceaser

a. Date first performed It is believed that Julius Caesar was first performed between 1600 and 1601. In the Elizabethan era there was a huge demand for new entertainment and Julius Caesar would have been produced immediately following the completion of the play.

d) “If music be the food of love, play on…” - Twelth Night

a) Date first performed

b)The first recorded production of Twelfth night February 2 1602. In the Elizabethan era there was a huge demand for new entertainment and Twelfth Night would c)ave been produced immediately following the completion of the play.

e) “Who’s there?”

a. Published: 1603

b. Hamlet

f) “When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain?”

a. First performance: April 1611

b. Macbeth

{Amanda Mabillard}

Shakespeare was considered a renaissance man, because he was born during the time of the renaissance which spanned from 1500 to 1688 and was one first to bring the renaissance's core values together. Shakespeare brought back a lot of the Greek and Roman Classic themes, this made him a true renaissance man because the renaissance was a rebirth of these times. { Jamieson, Lee}


  • Alls Well That Ends Well- 1603
  • As You Like It- 1603
  • Comedy of Errors- 1594


  • Henry VIII- 1623
  • King John- 1623
  • Pericles- 1619


  • Macbeth- 1605
  • Hamlet0 1600
  • Romeo and Juliet- 1594
  • {Shakespeare's plays}

4 Humors and what they represent

Queen and King during Shakespeare’s lifetime – separate reigns – Dates & impact/influence

1. Sanguine- Blood

  • air

2. Phlegmatic- Phlem

  • Abnormally large accumulation in the Respiratory system
  • water

3. Choleric- Yellow Vile

  • Cholera- fatal bacterial disease
  • fire

4. Melanchollic- Black Vile

  • Depression
  • earth
  • {U.S. National Library of Medicine. U.S. }

Shakespeare lived during the Elizabethan Era. This was a time of relative political stability where Queen Elizabeth I reigned from 1558-1603 and King James from 1603-1625. Having Queen Elizabeth l was essential to the success of shakespeare was essential, because she was a major supporter of the theaters in England. It is thought that Shakespeare's Macbeth was actually related to King James, because Macbeth was a Scottish King like King James, and Macbeth was one of Shakespeares shorter plays and supposedly King James has said that he does not like to sit long to watch plays.

{National Endowment For The Arts}

Number of Sonnets in Shakespeare's Sonnet Sequence

Poetic Structure of a Shakespearean Sonnet



Shakespeare follows a three quatrains and a couplet rhyme scheme: abab, cdcd, efef, gg. The couplet plays a pivotal role, usually arriving in the form of a conclusion, amplification, or even refutation of the previous three stanzas, often creating an epiphanic quality to the end. Shakespeare has 14 lines in his sonnets.

{ N.p}

Shakespeare's Life

By: Brigid Tracy

How Have These Dates Been Determined

These dates were determined based on the knowledge of his baptismal records. His baptismal record dates back to April 26 and in that age it was very common to do a baptism three days after a baby was born, because of the high infant mortality rates. Simillar to the way his birth date was determined, they determined his death date by going to the day his body was recorded in the Church April 25 and they believed that he had died two days before based on the common event of that happening. {Mabillard, Amanda}

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