About Julie Schenecker
- Married husband Parker Schenecker in late '80s (Parker is in the military and was deployed in the middle east prior to the shootings)
- Lived in Iowa, joined the military after college
- Molested at seven years of age
- Sexually assaulted at age 17
- Diagnosed with bipolar disorder
- Said her children were "really mean"
- "They became sassy as teens," especially the daughter
- Calyx was said to be "mouthy" and called her mother names
- Bodies found the day after the shooting
- Each child was shot twice--once in the head and once in the mouth
- Beau shot in family van on the way to soccer practice (body found in passenger seat)
- Calyx shot in her bedroom (body found in own bed, covered with blankets and sheets)
Julie's Journal
Random Facts
"My daughter doesn't like me...my husband has turned against me, and the son is starting to follow the daughter's behavior."
"Calyx, she gets it first."
"I just am losing my mind"
"I was planning a Saturday massacre..."
"...offed Beau in the van."
- The murder weapon was a 38 Smith Wesson gun
- Later told a detective she had long thought about suicide after shooting her children--"Beau was first, Calyx went second. I sure as hell would like to go third."
- During her interview, Schenecker was presumed to be intoxicated due to slurring of the words and her breath smelling like alcohol
"I Killed My Children"
Insanity Plea
Based off all evidence and information presented, Julie Schenecker was found guilty to two concurrent sentences of life in prison on May 15, 2014.
Julie Schenecker, age 53, shot her two children, Beau (13) and Calyx (16) on January 27, 2011.
- If convicted with two counts of first-degree murder, Schenecker faces life in prison without parole (prosecutors declined to seek death penalty)
Beau & Calyx Schenecker
McCormack, Simon. "Mom Julie Schenecker
Accused Of Killing Kids Said They Were 'Mean'" The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 08 May 2014. Web. 12 May 2014.
Nies, Yunji De, and Jessica Hopper. "Tampa Mom Julie Schenecker Was Probed for
Child Abuse in Fall, But Not Charged." ABC News. ABC News Network, 31 Jan.
2011. Web. 13 May 2014.
Julie Schenecker Case