Kate Langan
Asst. Professor
University Libraries
Cool Tools presentation for WMU Office of Faculty Development
"We believe one of the reasons concept mapping is so powerful ... is that it serves as a kind of template to help to organize knowledge and to structure it, even though the structure must be built up piece by piece with small units of interacting concept and propositional frameworks."
structure and linking are examples of knoweledge
- The building blocks of knowledge are concepts.
- Two concepts linked together are propositions.
- Propositions are units of meaning.
- The relationship that link the concepts to create a proposition are essential to the way we understand how we organize knowledge
Concept: perceived regularity in events or objects.
starts with
A focus question clearly specifies the problem or issue the concept map tries to resolve.
followed by
Concepts presented in nodes
connected by
sometimes include
nice to have
Learners should incorporate
meaningful examples
pedagogical use
- Highly reflective of students understanding . For example, if there are weak links, it is evident.
- Proven better recall (Hall & O'donnell 1996)
- Required to synthesize information
- Improves critical thinking (Maneval 2011)
- Active learning (Clayton 2006)
- Bloom's Taxonomy: higher cognitive performance
- Gardner's multiple intelligences theory
Introducing students to a
concept mapping assignment
How I use concept mapping
in the information literacy classroom
How fun is this?
Who doesn't love owls?
Students take pictures of their maps with their phones and then go back to their seats to work on developing a research question.
summarize acid base equilibrium chemistry 2250
What we will cover today:
- Definition
- History, theoretical underpinnings
What are the components of a concept map?
Use in the classroom
- types of concept maps
- why concept maps and not other assessment tools
- sample assignments
- handout for students
- concept mapping assessment ideas
- rubrics
Concept Mapping
in the higher ed.
How I use it
- In small group work at white boards.
- Each student spends 5 minutes mapping out ideas for research question
Why I use it
In order to have a successful thesis statement, once must first have a successful research question.
Crucial step often skipped in the research process.
Next steps in research
They are able to identify the precise information needed to support the argument in their paper.
Able to identify the potential sources to find that information.
Measure success of the
- hierarchy/grouping of concepts
- relationship of concepts/linking words
- level of sophistication
these should make it easier
- Reinforce conceptualization of a process, systems or relationships
- Reviewing for exams
- Identifying main points in a reading
- Organizing writing assignments
- Assessing prior knowledge
- Study aid (organize lecture notes)
Snapshot of concept maps
these steps should help
Analog resources
Colorful sticky notes
White board
Pen and paper
Software reviews:
Concept maps are
context dependent
Start with a area of knowledge that is familiar to the learner who can then build on that prior knowledge.
Readily available software:
Free online:
Gliffy Online
Free Downloads:
Compendium Institute
Cmap Tools
for the iPad:
Whiteboard HD
"Graphic tools for organizing and representing knowledge."
Developed by Jospeh Novak's (60s-70s) research program at Cornell University where he sought to follow and understand changes in children's knowledge of science (Novak & Musonda, 1991).
There is a learning curve
You can help your students by
- emphasizing that they may need to create a preliminary concept map
- concept maps are never done.
(Novak 2008)
More than just brainstorming...
Visualizing knowledge by
- mapping concepts
- showing relationships
"Based on Ausubel's Assimilation Theory (Ausubel, 1968, 2000)
Novak's Theory of Learning,
People are primed to learn new things by basing learning on their current knowledge
My next step is to write an HSIRB proposal so I can look at the final papers of groups of students who have and have not done concept mapping. Is there a significant improvement in the thesis statement? in the structure of the paper? in the sources selected?
how to implement
- Most general information at the top
- More specific information cascading below
Concept maps are a sophisticated plan of knowledge
To be used as a learning tool
To be used for evaluation
Ausubel's Theory of Meaningful learning
Meet three conditions:
1. The learner must possess prior knowledge of the material.
2. The material to be learned must be conceptually clear and presented with language and examples relatable to the learner's prior knowledge. Concept maps can be helpful to meet this condition, both by identifying large general concepts prior to instruction in more specific concepts, and by assisting in the sequencing of learning tasks though progressively more explicit knowledge that can be anchored into developing conceptual frameworks.
3. Student motivation: The learner must choose to learn meaningfully.
- Clustering/Spider map
- Systems map
- Hierarchical/Chronological
- Flow chart/Linear
Many more...
Google image search for examples
Descending order
of importance
Systems show inputs and outputs
Not all graphs are concept maps.
- Must express the relationship of the concepts
- Hierarchical in nature (as this is how the brain stores knowledge)
- Has a clear focus question
Centralized main idea with supporting concepts radiating outwards
structure matters
Creative writing
Flow chart - linear process
- Identify the main topic or core concept.
- Brainstorm everything you know about the topic.
- Place information on a map — working from the core concept, to major points, to significant details.
- Organize the information according to major points
- Review relevant course materials and discipline-specific vocabulary to make sure that you have everything,
- Label connecting strands with words or phrases that indicate the relationships.
- Use branches, arrows, and other symbols like stop signs or yield signs to indicate the nature of the relationships between ideas.
- Use different colors, fonts or lines to group and distinguish concepts.
- Include detailed explanations, definitions, rules, formulae or equations
- Analyze the resulting map by asking the following questions:
- Is the core concept accurately defined and positioned?
- How do the ideas fit together?
- Have I considered all of the related information gathered from lectures, texts, labs?
- Have I noted all relevant relationships, exceptions, and conditions?
- Does the map have adequate validity, logic, complexity and detail?
- What is the muddiest point and what can be done to clarify it?
- Include relevant examples
- Revise the map as your understanding of the material improves.
For example
Reading summary
- Pre-read the assignment (intro, conclusion, headings)
- Read the assignment in one sitting
- Create a map from memory
- Identify gaps and areas of misunderstanding
- Refer back to the reading to fill in any missing information
For example
- Identify the main concept of the paper
- What do you know?
- What do you want to know?
- What are your opinions?
Use a quick warm-up exercise
1. Train your students
2. Create individual maps
3. Provide them with a "parking lot" of concepts to be added to the map
4. Review maps in small groups
5. Whole class discussion
mind maps don't express the relationship
- the creative leaps between ideas
- represent new knowledge
- (Novak 2008)
No predefined vocabulary for linking words or phrases. General rule of thumb is to avoid using prepositions.
Linking Words
- General science: scientific method
- Physics: mechanics
- Biology: human circulatory system
- Chemistry: chemical reaction
- History: industrial revolution
- English: what do you know about Shakespeare?
- Engineering: mechanical engineering
- Math: probability
- Nursing: patient care plan
- Education: creating a lesson plan/what is teaching?
- Psychology: rewards and punishment
- Business: project management
- ESL: the job search experience
1. Working in groups or pairs, choose one of the concept mapping tools.
2. Pretend you need to write an essay on one of the following topics.
3. This is a pre-writing exercise assigned to you by your professor as part of the final project. It will be graded.
4. Use the tools. Create a concept map.
5. At the end of the work session, you will be asked to present your map as well as talk about the pros/cons of the concept mapping tool. (Granted, you cannot compare it to anything. But ask yourself, what is the learning curve? Is there flexibility in the software that allows for creativity? Can it be used in a collaborative project? Can you share it online? Can you print it? Is it Mac/PC compatible? What is the learning curve? What were some of the obstacles in creating the map (the process, not the tool)