Reconstruction of the South
Issues to Resolve
How will Southern states rejoin the Union?
* no Constitutional provision
* states should be treated leniently
* meet certain demands:
* swear loyalty to the US
* adopt state constitutions guarantee African
Americans freedom
Lincoln's Plan
10% Plan
Radical Republican Plan
How will the economy of the South be rebuilt?
* use land for slaves
*Sherman's "Forty acres and a mule"
as soon as 10% of the voters took an oath of allegiance, the state could set up a new government.
* Grant full citizenship to
African Americans
* take confederate land and
give to the freed slaves
* Wade-Davis Bill
* majority of state
voters swear oath of
allegiance to the US
* guaranteed African
American equality
* killed by Lincoln in a
pocket veto
Freedmen's Bureau:
* provide food, clothing,healthcare and education to the black and white refugees of the South
* Grant pardons to former
* no guarantee of social or political
equaltity for African Americans
What rights will African Americans have?
* 13th Amendment abolished slavery
* no rights were guaranteed because
they were not considered citizens
recognized AR, LA and TN as states
Civil Rights Act 1866
Johnson's Plan
Plans for Reconstruction
made federal guarantees of civil rights and superseded any state laws tha resticted the rights of African Americans.
Vetoed by Johnson
* each state ratify the 13th Amendment
* states could limit the freedoms of
African Americans
Impeachment of Johnson
Congressional Reconstruction
Congress overrode Johnson's veto and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866.
14th Amendment:
* guaranteed equaltiy for under thelaw for all citizens.
* citizens were defined as those people who were born in
the US or became naturalized.
* all states must ratify to be readmitted into the union
Tenure of Office Act (1867)
* Senate approval was
needed to remove
officials not put into
office by the official
wanting to remove them.
* Edwin Stanton
* House impeached but the
Senate voted by one to
keep in office.
Military Reconstruction Act 1867
* divided the 10 remaining southern states into five
military discticts.
* a former Union general would oversee the terriroty
* the new state constitution had to guarantee the rights
of African Americans
* sufrage for african american men
15th Amendment:
* no state could deny suffrage on the
basis of race, color, or previous
condition of servitude.