- Disturbance to communities from smoke and noise produced by trains
- Changed appearance of countryside
- Rivers/Canals were filled with sewage and waste from factories
- Acid rain came about when coal production started
- Industrial cities were larger, more packed
- Living conditions:
- living close together created little ventilation for homes
- no sunlight/ natural light in buildings
- crowded and dirty
- Before the Second Industrial Revolution, Families worked together to create a solid income
- Second Industrial Revolution changed that, work and home life became very separated, Mothers and Women stayed at home.
- thick fog covered towns with factories present
- soot from factories shows a rise in pneumonia (from breathing in the smoky air)
- difficulty to remain clean due to all of the soot in air
- Pneumonia was the leading cause of death in the United States in the early 1900's. (due to air pollution)
- The densely packed communities made disease spread faster
The environmental impact on the Second Industrial Revolution