Thank you!
Materials to be Created and Distributed by ICRH
- Flyers
- Posted at all of the most likely destinations for homeless people.
- Flyers for adults
- Flyers for children
- Electronic Communication
- Website
- Social media
Controlled Media- media attention planned by ICRH
- Print Media
- Public Service Announcements
- Press Releases
Uncontrolled Media- Media not planned by ICRH
- With a proactive public relations campaign, Isabella County Restoration House could strengthen their image and presence in the community by focusing on ways to reach and communicate with homeless individuals.
Isabella County Restoration House
- The ICRH has the opportunity to expand its use of methods like print flyers to inform the homeless that help is available.
Key messages to be communicated to the target audience
How to evaluate the effectiveness of this plan
- What, where and when is the ICRH
- How to use the ICRH
- Contact Information
- Religious affiliation is not necessary to use ICRH
What the ICRH is facing
- In Isabella County alone, there are 150 people who are officially recognized as homeless.
- Did the plan meet its impact objectives?
- Interviews
- Specific key messages
- The language used to communicate with target audience
- Did the plan meet its output objectives?
- Record-keeping
- Surveys of individuals using ICRH services
- Materials created and distributed by ICRH
- Controlled and uncontrolled media
- While it is hard to identify the exact number of homeless individuals in the county, 232 were served with model vouchers between Nov. 2012 and Sept. 2013.
- Maximum number of homeless people in attendance at the ICRH in one night as of January 22, 2014 was 11 people. This means the ICRH is only reaching about 7% of the recognized homeless population and less than 5% of the estimated homeless population in Isabella County.
Impact Objectives
Goals for how the target audience thinks of the ICRH
- Find and evaluate effective ways to reach the homeless population of Isabella County in order to effectively disseminate ICRH messages among them.
Output Objectives
Measurable goals for reaching the homeless population
- 20% of the estimated 232 homeless individuals in Isabella County understand where to go and how to utilize the ICRH
- Increase the "record high" amount of individuals utilizing the ICRH per night from 11 to 30 homeless individuals by Dec. 31, 2015
- Gain approval and post flyers in 35 business locations within Mount Pleasant, Shepherd and Clare to help create awareness of ICRH among homeless individuals in 30 businesses in Mount Pleasant, Mich by Oct. 10, 2015
Getting Information to Target Audience
How the target audience consumes media
Audience Research
- Electronic Media
- Websites, online newspapers and social media
- Print Media
- Newspapers
- Flyers
Where the target audience spends time
Our intended audience for this communication plan is the estimated 232 homeless individuals in Isabella County, Mich.
- Concealed Areas
- Isabella County Soup Kitchen
- Low-priced stores
How the target audience gets information
Kianne Hinkle
Kaitlyn Horton
Sarah Kornacki
Sasha Reeves
- Word of Mouth
- Print Media
- Electronic Media
- Primary Audience- Homeless male and female adults, ages 25-55 years.
- Secondary Audience- Homeless children, ages 6-10 years.