A Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in Christian Living Education 5
III. Procedure
Enjoying CLE (Celebrating God’s Love Series) Rejoicing in God’s Love by Dr. Salvador June P. Lalisan – pages 100- 106
D. Evaluation
B. Motivation
Make your own letter which asks for forgiveness from someone you want to say sorry to.
E. Assignment
- Confession- stresses our needs to acknowledge our sins and to ask for forgiveness.
- Sacrament of Penance- focuses on the conversion process of contrition, repentance, and satisfaction; and
- Sacrament of Reconciliation- brings about the restoration of our graced relationships of love and friendship with God and our neighbor.
Video presentation about the “Parable of the Unforgiving Servant” (Matthew 18: 21- 35)
Make a reflection paper which consists of five (5) sentences about your realization on the discussion of the sacrament of forgiving sins.
Resources :
A. Review
Deadly Sins
“Holy Eucharist”
II. Subject Matter
- The Holy Eucharist reminds us that we belong to one family in spite of our individual differences.
- There is no Eucharist where there is no church.
- The Eucharist draws people closer to God and to one another.
- The Eucharist is the highest form of prayer we offer to God as a community united in His love.
C. Lesson Proper
- Wrath- it is the strong vengeful anger to punish
- Lust- it is uncontrolled sexual desire
- Gluttony- it is the indiscriminate desire to eat and drink excessively
- Sloth- it is spiritual laziness to do good
- More details about the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant.
- The sacrament of forgiving sins is referred to as----
- Pride- it is to believe that we are superior to our neighbor and to God
- Avarice- it is unsatisfiable desire for wealth, a greediness that excludes sharing our earthly goods with the poor
- Envy- it is to be resentful for a good thing which belongs to our neighbor, coupled with a desire to possess it too
Enjoying CLE (Celebrating God’s Love Series) Rejoicing in God’s Love by Dr. Salvador June P. Lalisan – pages 100- 106
and Contrition
- Video clip
- Power point presentation
I. Objectives
Differentiate the deadly sins from one another.
Relate the sacrament of forgiving sins in their life.
Practice the sacrament of forgiving sins in real- life situations.
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to: