- OECD Frascati Manual
- Oslo Manual (product, process, marketing, organizational)
- Horizon2020
- European Research Area
- global and international actors
- national actors
- regional actors
- local actors
R&D competencies
Qualified workers
- Global innovation index
- Global innovation barometer
National level:
- Filippetti, Archibugia, 2011
- Castellacci, 2008,
- Fagerberg and Srholec, 2008
- North, 1990,
- North, 2005,
- Fagerberg, 1994
- Landes, 1998 ,
- Mokyr, 2002,
- Lundvall, 1992
- Nelson, 1993 ,
- Freeman, 1995
- Flanagana at al., 2011
- Guana and Chen, 2012
- cooperation of organizations in the NIS
- suitable innovative atmosphere
Regional level:
- Hewitt-Dundasa and Roperb, 2011
- Csizmadia, Grosz, (Szépvölgyi,) 2002, 2004, 2008, 2011
- Dőry, 1998
- Lengyel and Leydesdorff, 2008
- Inzelt and Szerb, 2013
- Lux, 2013
Cooperation of industry and education:
- Freeman, 1987
- Rosenberg and Nelson, 1994,
- Varga 2000
- Gulbrandsen at al., 2011
- Van Looy at al., 2011
- Okamuroa at al., 2011
- Fontana et al., 2006
- Muscio, 2007
Organized groups of people which are connected or impregnated into the innovation process and supplement the missing knowledge, information, skills, attributes or relations of researchers and entrepreneurs with their specific knowledge, information, skills, attributes or relations to help in the market based production and the marketing of the innovative product
- target oriented
- scientific institutional
- academic, university
- technology transfer
- science park, technopolis, incubator
- liaison office
- bridge organizations (active and passive)
- private service and consultant
a. private
•private innovation intermediary
•business innovation center
b. higher educational organizations (inside the institute or near)
•technology parks
•science parks
a. public organizations
•national and regional innovation agency (RIA)
b. both private and public joint organizations
•liaison office
•RIA subcenter
3.Joint organizations (For- and nonprofit)
a.aktív bridges
- collecting and handle ideas and inventions
- collecting and handle information about resources (HR, technological, financial, infrastructural, etc.)
- tasks about researchers and R&D
- tasks about companies and product development, sales
- horizontal tasks í(connections, networks, cooperation, trust building, communication, knowledge transfer, marketing, etc,)
Tasks and management:
- Stamm, 2003
- Buzás, 2007
- Jain, Triandis and Weick, 2010
- Howlet, 2011
- Lokshina at al., 2011
- Rost, 2011
- the intermediary organizations and enterprises aren’t effective enough
- which factors help and hinder innovation and cooperation of innovation intermediary organizations and enterprises
- The Székesfehérvár group of MTA RKK NYUTI
- 300 enterprises in the region
- Central-Transdanubian Region
- questions about the determining factors of enterprise contacts
- result of my own research made among innovation intermediary organizations
Basics of innovation
Actors of the
innovation process
Innovation levels
Global and supranational innovation
Changing higher education
- changing studying area
- changing role of information
- multicultural and multilingual courses
- institutions join global economic processes
- online and open courses
- global research networks - eg. international co-authorship of publications, co-inventors of patents
- new R&D areas (biotechnology, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, etc.)
- free flow of knowledge?
- strengthening power of developed regions
- deregulation
- changing innovation systems and structures
- improving role of information, communication
- higher educational institutes joining global networks and processes
- global information and cooperation networks
- awareness of natural resources
- localization
- sub national innovation systems
- company management belongs to global headquarter but innovation management must be local
- lack of resources (human resources)
- specific local knowledge became more important
- cooperation with local companies - knows local attitudes, customs
- creative class, cities are the cradles of creativity
- problems of global branding
- human side of innovation - people can adapt more slowly than systems (Dahrendorf, 1994 - 6 mth, 6 y, 60 y)
Human side of innovation
National and regional innovation
Regional innovation system
investment in regional innovation
Public research centers
Educational institutes
Technology Transfer Organizations
and incubators
Knowledge creators:
- science academies
- higher educational institutes
- research institutes
- research labs of companies
- other non-profit research institutes
- joint R+D+I organizations
Knowledge utilization,
application (clusters)
Local innovation
Knowledge users:
- companies
- public institutions
- cluster organizations
- knowledge creators
Public institutes
Regional Development Centers
- globalization - changing structures
- localization - establishing local cooperation, utilize specific local factors, participate in local networks or clusters
- cities or regions are the cradles of creativity
- strong and trust-based relationship
- specific local factors
Definition of innovation
- the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations
- the process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for which customers will pay.
- the development of new values through solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulate needs, or old customer and market needs in value adding new ways.
lecturer, project manager, College of Dunaújváros
PhD student, Széchenyi István University Doctoral School on Regional Science
Basics of the research
Definition and basics of
innovation intermediary organizations
Definition of innovation intermediaries
- previous definitions based on national and sub national innovation systems and on technology transfer of institutions and marketing behavior and innovation strategy of companies
- need to be defined through the “human side” of innovation and people participating in the innovation process
- special market and communication niche, or because of a knowledge gap or information shortage
- inventor and researcher
- innovation process is a special market
Principles of activity
Tasks of intermediaries
HE-BCI research indicators
(Higher education-business and community interaction survey
- Collaborative research, Contract research
- Consultancy
- Facilities and equipment-related services
- Continuing professional development and Continuing Education
- Regeneration and development programmes
- Intellectual property
- Patent applications, Patents granted
- Formal spin-offs established, Formal spin-offs still active after three years
- Enquiry point for SMEs
- Education: Short bespoke courses on client's premises, Distance learning for businesses
- Required contracting system for all consultancy
- researchers have special attributes and personality
- researchers and companies speak an other language
- trust based connections
- unique ideas
- unique developments and researches
- unique process of innovation
Sources and resources
- unique sources are needed (e.g. HR)
- differs form business cultures
- have to increase creativity
Types of intermediaries
Result of the research
Factors help the innovation of companies
Factors help and hinder innovation
- lack of resources (financial)
- high cost of innovation
- lack of suporting system
- lack of technological information
- to find the appropriate partners
The cooperation of enterprises and innovation intermediary organizations
- supporting system - political, ecosystem
- personal connections
- to analyse in more detail the actors, the parts and the innovation intermediary organizations of the national and regional innovation system
- ad hoc, accidental and very defective
- majority of the enterprises (more than 76%) sad that the cooperation with higher education institutions and research institutions doesn’t motivate their innovation activity
- different motivation of researchers is not a problem
- main reason for cooperation is information - working well
- cooperation only with Chambers not TTOs
- Basics of innovation
- Definition and basics of innovation intermediary organizations
- Basics of the research - cooperation of SMEs
- Research results
BLOG: Marriage of Innovation and Regional Development