Solutions to Book 7's Problems?
Bernard Fenik doe not believe this is the case:
- Delays and interuptions are characteristic of the Odyssey (and Iliad).
Describing the Events of Book 7
- Delay is also characterisitic of Homeric xenia in action.
- It could be argued that Arete's question is the vital one - it puts Odysseus at risk (reminding him of Phaeacian hostility) and tests his guile and craft.
- Create a synopsis of the key events of Book 7.
- There are also clues about why Arete is the one that matters:
Odyssey Book 7
Thematic Study
1) Odysseus will meet her first (53).
2) Arete is respected (69-72).
3) She is able to settle disputes (74).
4) Alcinous himself places value on the first person a guest meets (299-301).
- What key themes about the Phaeacians and more generally are continued in this Book?
Key Question: Why does Arete matter?
- Can you see any problems in the chronology?
Themes in Book 7
During this Book, the following themes are continued:
- The divine status of Phaeacia (11-12, 49, 56, 92-4, 132, 199-206, 323-324).
Learning Objectives:
- Explain why Odysseus continues to conceal his identity.
- Analyse the textual chronology of Book 7.
The Problems with Book 7
- Phaeacian hostility (17, 32-33, 59, 206)
The big problem is with Arete:
- Phaeacian knowledge of right and wrong (164-166, 190-192, 315-318).
- Arete is said to be very important by both Nausicaa (6.310-315) and Athena (7.47-77). Does she really do much?
- Phaeacian love of ships (34, 43, 108-109)
- Odysseus supplicates her (146-152) but Alcinous soon takes over (155-166).
- Athena's care for Odysseus (14-15, 40-42)
- Arete, after a long delay, only asks two simple questions (2.37-239).
- Odysseus' concealment (22-26, 215-221)
- Odysseus does not even answer her question of 'Who are you?', yet no one pursues this.
What should we conclude from all this about Homer?
One possibility is that this is strong evidence that the Odyssey is the work of multiple authors.
Explain why Odysseus continues to conceal his identity.
- Why do characters disguise themselves in the Odyssey?
- Why does Homer like it as a literary device?
- It builds irony, suspense and emotion
- Odysseus has been hidden for 7 years by Calypso (Greek kalupto means 'I cover'). Homer may have invented her for this, allowing Telemachus to grow up.
Explain why Odysseus continues to conceal his identity.
- Odysseus hates the ignominity of lacking kleos by his inconspicuousness (cf. 5.311)
So why doesn't Odysseus reveal himself in Book 7?
- Odysseus must use his tact for now, but he is a Homeric hero and will need to reveal himself at some stage.
- We know the Phaeacians live in a remote, isolated part of the world. Odysseus has no evidence yet that they will have heard of him.
- We also know the Phaeacians seem more hostile than most. They have not met Odysseus before so even if they have heard of him, they may not believe that he is who he says he is!
- Allowing Odysseus to tell his tales here gives the opportunity to develop Odysseus' craft.