Assessment Overview Mind Map
Screening Assessments
- Occurs prior to instruction
- Effective for the beginning of the year
- Used to determine students' reading abilities
- Used to identify students who are at risk for difficulty
- Focused on a few key concepts to assist in identifying students who need additional support (Gillet, Temple & Crawford , 2012)
Outcomes-Based Assessments
- Referred to as 'grade-level reading standards-based assessment' (Gillet, Temple & Crawford, 2012)
- Used to examine skills that are prioritized by state standards (Gillet, Temple & Crawford, 2012)
Monitoring Assessments
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
- Also known as formative assessments (Gillet, Temple & Crawford, 2012)
- Used to monitor student progress at regular intervals
- Include informal observations to formal probes (Gillet, Temple, & Crawford, 2012)
Diagnostic Assessment
Interim Assessments
- Used after screening tests to identify specific student needs (Gillet, Temple & Crawford, 2012)
- More comprehensive and elaborate than screening assessments
- Used for progress monitoring
- Tracks student progress
- Assesses materials and skills learned over a period of a few weeks to a month (Bunch, 2012)
Pre- or Post-tests
QRI, DRA, Informal Reading Inventories
Formative Assessments
- Daily informal assessments
- Include observations and mandates
- Focus on short-term objectives (Bunch 2012)
- Gives teachers feedback about on-going teaching (Bunch, 2012)
- Informs instruction
Summative Assessments
Bunch, M. (2012). Formative, interim and summative
assessment: It takes all three. In Measurement Inc. Retrieved from
Gillet, J. W., Temple, C., & Crawford, A. N. (2012). Understanding reading problems: Assessment and instruction (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon
Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment
Running Records
- Evaluation after extended period of instruction
- Focused on student long term goals (Bunch, 2012)
- Examines full range of concepts ( Bunch, 2012)