- Norway agreed to a reunion with Denmark and Sweden.
- Form of money krone.
- Government monarchy.
- King of Norway Harald v.
Norway's form of government
There are many different religions in Norway
Interesting facts of Norway
- Population 5,147,792.
- There was a plaque called "Black Death" in the 14th century.
- Labor force distribution agriculture 2.2%.
- Services 77.6%.
- Major agriculture: Barley, wheat, potatoes, pork, beef, veal, milk, fish. Nyastol falls is Norways famous fall.
- Muslim 1.8%.
- Christian 2.4%.
- Roman Catholic 1%.
- Pentecostal 1%.
- Other 8.1%.
- People at ages 6-16 go to school.
- National holiday constitution day on May 17th.
- Language of Norway
- Bokmal Norwegian.
Norway is a very dandy country because of its exports. Also Norway has a very interesting kind of government, monarchy.
- Vikings used to Rome Norway years ago.
- Leif Eriksson is a viking who found America before Christopher Columbus 500 years ago.
- Thor Heyerdahl embarked on a journey over the pacific ocean made of light weight wood called Kontiki
Unknown, (1829). Americana Grolier incorporated Connecticut.
Unknown, (2015). "Go gale group.com"
Unknown, (2015). "Http://go-middel.groiler.com."
Unknown, (1991). The new book of knowledge. Groiler incorporated Dan bury, Connecticut.
Unknown, (2015). www.norway.org.uk
There are many famous groups/ people in Norway
- In 1586 Norway was connected to the danish kingdom.
- Lowest sea level along shore is 2,469 meters down.
- Capital city of Norway is Oslo.
- Size of land 125,021 miles squared.
- Highest point 8,100 feet.
Geographical cites of Norway
By: Henry l. DEVoe