Colerain Township:
Government Overview
Economic Development
Characteristics of the Township
What are we worth?
Largest Township in the State of Ohio?
What do Townships do??
What is a home rule township?
- By state law townships only possess powers that are specifically given to them by statute.
- If a township has more than 3,500 residents it can adopt a "limited home-rule government" and can exercise "all powers of self-government" ...except what the state says it can't do...
Not really... but kinda!
- By population we are the second largest township according to the 2010 Census with 58,499 residents. West Chester is the only township with more people. They have 2,459 more people. But we are larger!
- By area we are the second largest township according to Madison Township, in Lake County is larger by area. But we have more people!
- 14th largest place in Ohio
- Largest place outside of the City of Cincinnati in Hamilton County
Seriously! in 2015 the total property valuation was
- Roads
- Colerain maintains 116 miles of township roads
- Police Protection
- CALEA accredited with excellence
- Fire Protection and EMS
- ISO 1 Fire rating
- Insurance Service Office
- Only 3 in Ohio and 178 in the Country
- Parks and Recreation
- 10 parks | 252 acres | 11 Ball Fields | 8 Playgrounds | 2 Soccer Complexes | 2 River Access Ramps | 3 miles of trail | amphitheater | skate park | spray park | 3 basketball courts | 9 picnic shelters | community garden | 11 historical cemeteries
- Planning & Zoning
- Current Planning
- Long-Range Planning
- Code Enforcement
- Waste Disposal
- Other
- lighting districts
Other Characteristics of the Township
- No income or sales tax
- No control over county or state roads
- Hamilton County Engineer
- Ohio Department of Transportation
- Hamilton County Prosecutor is our Attorney
Elected Officials & Org Chart
- Dan Unger, Board President
- Raj Rajagopal, Board Vice-President
- Matt Wahlert, Trustee
Set policy by:
Township Fiscal Officer
- Considering Resolutions
- Approving the Budget
- Approving Certain Financial Transactions
- Limited Legislative Powers
- Approving Contracts & Agreements
- Hiring, Firing & Appointments
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Chief Financial Officer
- Record Minutes
- Keeper of the Records
Organizational Chart
How Colerain Began
How Townships Began
Township Finances
- Irish surveyor John Dunlap was hired to survey the area for Judge Symmes and the Miami Company as part of the new Northwest Territory
- He led a group of people to settle on the east bank of the Great Miami River in 1790 at a frontier defensive structure he called Dunlap Station
- In 1794, Coleraine Township was established as a bone fide township.
- Named after Coleraine, Ireland - John Dunlap's birthplace
- Villages sprung up along Blue Rock and Colerain Roads in the early 1800's
- Barnesburg
- Bevis
- Dunlap
- Groesbeck
- German immigrants began to farm the southwest portion of the township in the 1840's
- pilgrims brought the township form of government with them to America in 1620
- 20 states have townships - all of the northwest territory states have townships
- Townships were created by Congressional Acts and were here before Ohio was even a state!
- On March 1, 1803 Ohio became a state. In 1804, townships became a subset of state government and were governed by three trustees, a clerk, two overseers of the poor and a sufficient number of supervisors of highway.
- There are now 1,308 townships in Ohio
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