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Comensha. (2016). Retrieved from

Huisman, W., & Kleemans, E. (2014, January 11). The challenges of fighting sex

trafficking in the legalized protitution market of the Netherlands. Crime, Law & Social Change, 61(2), 215-228.

Huisman, W., & Kleemans, E. (2014, January 11). The challenges of fighting sex trafficking in the legalized protitution market of the Netherlands. Crime, Law & Social Change, 61(2), 215-228.

Outshoorn, J. (2012, September 19). Policy Change in Prostitution in the

Netherlands: from Legalization to Strict Control. Sexuality Research & Social Policy: Journal of NSRC, 9(3), 233-243.

Vanderstok, S. (2010). $ex: The Effectivenss of the Legalization of Prostitution in the

Netherlands. National Collegiate Honors Council, (pp. 1-12).

  • Analyzing Swedish policy
  • Data collection
  • Internet influence
  • Government relations with

sex workers

Future Research

Legalization is Acheived 1999

1. Policy discourse 1960's

  • Secularization

  • Modernization of morality laws

2. Growing global sex industry in the 1970's

  • Policy enforcement
  • Government relations
  • Culture shift
  • Influx in demand and illegal activity
  • Cannot regulate what is forbidden by law
  • Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG)

Historical Context



The Road to Legalization

1. Port Culture

2. Dutch Tolerance

3. Radical Thought

3. Rise of Feminism in the 1980's

  • Pro-sex point of view
  • Whores Congress 1975
  • Sex trade unions

1) Lift ban on brothels

2) Residence permits

3) Higher penalties for


Sierra Kane

Westminster College

Honors Senior Thesis

April 2016

Areas to Reconsider Regarding Regulation

Legalization of Prostitution Seems Supported

Iceberg Effect

  • Breaking Gender Norms
  • Sexual liberation
  • Safety

Perhaps “rehabilitating a sector that had been operating illegally for almost a century requires more than new laws or new policy.”

-Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2000

Pimps as Businessmen

Sex Trafficking

  • Pimps are reclassified as businessmen and managers.
  • Illegal actions and/or motives may not cease with legalization if business is good.
  • According to Van Dijk (2014), hardly any prostitute works without a pimp.

"There are people who are really proud of the Red Light District as a tourist attraction. It's supposed to be such a wonderful, cheery place that shows just what a free city we are. But I think it's a cesspit. There's a lot of serious criminality. There's a lot of exploitation of women, and a lot of social distress. There's nothing to be proud of."

-Karina Shaapman, 2010

Beginning in 2007, Job Cohen, the mayor of Amsterdam, and the city of Amsterdam have been shutting down a large part of the Red Light District. He says, “We’ve realized this is no longer about small-scale entrepreneurs, but that big crime organizations are involved here in trafficking women, drugs, killings, and other criminal activities.”

-Vanderstok, 2010

  • High demand for sex workers.
  • Amsterdam is one of the most trafficked cities in the world.
  • The ratio of legal sex workers to illegal sex workers is 1:1.

Capacity Problems


"Loverboys are not young lovers, they are modern traffickers of human beings."

-Bovenkerk & van San, 2011

"Between the period of 1997 - 2000, of forty clubs that were owned by trafficking suspects, twenty-seven cooperated with traffickers, and twenty-one were used by traffickers."

-Van Dijk, 2014

"When I was 17, I fell in love with a boy that told me that he was being threatened by freinds because he owed them money. He said that he could pay off his debt if I would go to bed with his friends. I did that for him. Afterwords, he forced me into prostitution..."

-Maartje, featured on Comensha's website

  • Grooming techniques
  • Incorporation through debt bonding
  • Maintenance
  • Lack of monitoring in unregulated sector, over monitoring in the regulated sector.
  • Police forces are spread unevenly throughout the city.
  • Loopholes: massage parlors, swing clubs, and sauna clubs.

  • Loverboys have far reaching control over these women's lives in terms of her safety or their shared future together.

Women's Lack of Well-Being

Deceptive Relationships

Sex work leads to:

  • Pre-mature aging
  • Emotional detachment
  • Paranoia
  • Extreme nervousness
  • PTSD
  • Cervical cancer
  • Chronic hepatitis
  • Overall increase in STD's and HIV/AIDS
  • Increase in drug use

Sneep Case

In 2008, the national police published the KLPD report on human trafficking where three Turkish traffickers were indicted of running a major prostitution network in Amsterdam. At least seventy-eight women were considered victims of the gang... "many instances were reported of severe violence against the women, including forced tattooing, coerced cosmetic surgery, and even cases of forced abortion"

-Outshoorn, 2012

1. Stockholm Syndrome

2. Domestic violence

3. Lack of consent

4. Female objectification

5. Lack of financial security

Some members of Dutch Parliament after observing their new policies of legalization and regulation after a few years released this statement: “legalization [has] actually reinforced the oppression of women.”

-Vanderstok, 2010

"60% of prostitutes had suffered physical assaults, 70% had experienced verbal threats of physical violence, 40% had been forced into prostitution or sexual abuse by acquaintances."

-Vanderstok, 2010

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