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Népszerű keresések
Comensha. (2016). Retrieved from
Huisman, W., & Kleemans, E. (2014, January 11). The challenges of fighting sex
trafficking in the legalized protitution market of the Netherlands. Crime, Law & Social Change, 61(2), 215-228.
Huisman, W., & Kleemans, E. (2014, January 11). The challenges of fighting sex trafficking in the legalized protitution market of the Netherlands. Crime, Law & Social Change, 61(2), 215-228.
Outshoorn, J. (2012, September 19). Policy Change in Prostitution in the
Netherlands: from Legalization to Strict Control. Sexuality Research & Social Policy: Journal of NSRC, 9(3), 233-243.
Vanderstok, S. (2010). $ex: The Effectivenss of the Legalization of Prostitution in the
Netherlands. National Collegiate Honors Council, (pp. 1-12).
Sierra Kane
Westminster College
Honors Senior Thesis
April 2016
Iceberg Effect
"There are people who are really proud of the Red Light District as a tourist attraction. It's supposed to be such a wonderful, cheery place that shows just what a free city we are. But I think it's a cesspit. There's a lot of serious criminality. There's a lot of exploitation of women, and a lot of social distress. There's nothing to be proud of."
-Karina Shaapman, 2010
Beginning in 2007, Job Cohen, the mayor of Amsterdam, and the city of Amsterdam have been shutting down a large part of the Red Light District. He says, “We’ve realized this is no longer about small-scale entrepreneurs, but that big crime organizations are involved here in trafficking women, drugs, killings, and other criminal activities.”
-Vanderstok, 2010
"Between the period of 1997 - 2000, of forty clubs that were owned by trafficking suspects, twenty-seven cooperated with traffickers, and twenty-one were used by traffickers."
-Van Dijk, 2014
"When I was 17, I fell in love with a boy that told me that he was being threatened by freinds because he owed them money. He said that he could pay off his debt if I would go to bed with his friends. I did that for him. Afterwords, he forced me into prostitution..."
-Maartje, featured on Comensha's website
Women's Lack of Well-Being
Sneep Case
In 2008, the national police published the KLPD report on human trafficking where three Turkish traffickers were indicted of running a major prostitution network in Amsterdam. At least seventy-eight women were considered victims of the gang... "many instances were reported of severe violence against the women, including forced tattooing, coerced cosmetic surgery, and even cases of forced abortion"
-Outshoorn, 2012