Aboriginal People In Canada
- In Canada, we discriminate against our Aboriginal groups
- Before Confederation, Aboriginals were thought as allies
- As the years went on, they were thought of as a nuisance and they were put on reserves and put into residential schooling.
- Today they face: impoverished living, unsafe food and water, inadequate housing.
Issues Around the Chakma Tribe
The International Issue
- Chittagong Hill Tracts Conflict - The political and armed struggle between the Government of Bangladesh and the tribes of the Hill Tracts
- Karnaphuli River Dam
- New Bengali Settlers
- Massacres
- The Chakma Tribe is not the only tribe that is faced with discrimination and harsh climates.
- Indigenous Groups around the world face this discrimination.
- Here are some issues they face:
- removal of land
- treated as second class citizens/physical attacks
- violence and abuse
- discriminatory government policies
Aboriginals In Canada(cont)
- One big issue regarding Aboriginals today is Missing Women.
- Due to the situations they face, many women face a lot of abuse.
- According to RCMP, 1017 women that identified themselves as Aboriginals were killed betwen 2005 and 2012.
- Many of the cases aren't properly investigated.
- It is said that 68% of the 72% of deaths of these women were by someone they knew.
Introduction to the Chakma Tribe
- The Chakma Tribe is a small tribe, located in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh.
- It is a part of many other tribes in the region that are called the Jumma and are being threatened by the government everyday.
How Can We Help?
Four Ways You Can Help:
- 1. Stay Informed
- 2. Join a Group To Support The Cause (UN, Amnesty International)
- 3. Start a Campaign (Idle No More)
- 4. Raise Awareness
Indigenous People Around the World
By: Andrea Chakma