Specialists :Peditriacians, Genetists, Urologist or gynecologist etc..
yes it is an life ending diasease
if your a female your really considered as a male
females also dont produce eggs
dont grow
people with this disorder has alo of problems with their health and etc.
only way they can have children is if it is donated to them
its both autosomal dominent and ressesive this means x linked or Y linked manner
mutations of several different genes are known to cause Sweyer Syndrome.
some cases are not believe that it is inherited , its of MUTATION!
btw mutation means the process of mutting
Facts ! Facts ! Facts !
approximatly 1 in 4,500
it affects girls that have an XY chromosomes
it was first decribed in the medical literature by Dr Swyer in 1955
Fun Facts
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What is Swyer Syndrome ?
its more comman on woman
The Disorder of Sweyer Syndrom is not a vary with Ethnicty.
They have 46 chromosomes , so in a half they have 22.
girls that has this disorder have an penis.
boys that has this their testes dont devolope.
Swyer Syndrome is the condition that affects sexual devolopment, so basicly you dont expeirence puberty.
Santhi Soundarjan she was an indian runner, that had swyer syndrome.
jamie lee curtis was a his/her because he had this disorder
Testing & Screening
Female phenotype
absence of puberty
Small uterus
Small fallipion tubes
Dysengentic testes
A diagnosis of Swyer syndrome is made based upon a thorough clinical evaluation, a detailed patient history, identification of characteristic findings (e.g., no periods, streak gonads) and a variety of tests including chromosomal analysis.