Negative effects:
- Britain caused the traditional industries to crash.
- Poverty increased.
- British officials were paid out of the India treasury.
- Imperialism drained India's wealth. It destroyed India economically and politically.
- India became dependent due to imperialism. It destroyed India's handicraft and small scale industries.
- The imperialistic powers treated India as a place to extend their power. Imperialism gradually destroyed India.
- Loss of self sufficiency
- Reduced food production which led to famines.
European Imperialism in India
- Banning inhumane traditional practices such as sati and the dowry system
- Promoting widow remarriage and prohibiting child marriage.
- Communication grew due to the building of telephones and the telegraph
- English language was more commonly used and learned.
Positive and Negative Effects of European Imperialism in Africa.
Positive Effects:
- European nutrition and medicine increased the lie span of Africans, thus, increasing it's population.
- Europeans introduced modern transportation and communications systems such as the telegraph, telephones and railroads
Negative Effects:
- European domination led to the erosion of African customs and traditions.
- Europeans divided up Africa with no respect for tribal, ethnic or cultural boundaries. These divisions led to ongoing clashes in many African countries.
Collapse of European Imperialism
European Imperialism in Africa
Economic interests:
- Africa was new market for manufactured goods that could be sold for high prices.
- Africa was also a source of raw materials that could be manufactured.
Military Interests:
- European countries were now able to control strategic waterways in Africa, such as the Suez Canal.
European Imperialism in China
- China suffered immensely because of European imperialism.
- China was a such an attraction for many reasons:
- China's large population was a huge market for manufactured goods
- China could provide inexpensive labor to work in foreign owned enterprises
- China had untapped mineral resources that could be exploited by the higher tech industrialized nations of Europe
- China's raw silk and tea had marketability in Europe
- China's Manchu government lacked power and was inefficient, thus was unable to force "fair trade".
European Imperialism in Japan
- In many ways, Western imperialism actually helped Japan.
- Since Japan was pushed by the West but was never actually conquered, Western imperialism served to force Japan to modernize.
- Because Japan was pushed and threatened by the West, it became the first non-European country to industrialize.
- The major impact of Western imperialism on Japan was when they "opened" to trade in 1854.
- Japan was not actually colonized. Instead, Japan simply opened up to Western contact.
By: Tamara Benny
How did European Imperialism Collapse?
- European imperialism collapsed internally when nations resisted Germany's effort to take them over.
- Externally it collapsed when colonies rebelled against the treatment by the mother country and sought freedom.
What is Imperialism?
:a policy or practice by which a country increases its power by gaining control over other areas of the world
: the effect that a powerful country or group of countries has in changing or influencing the way people live in other, poorer countries