- Along what geographic feature do most civilizations begin?
- What examples can you think of that we have learned about already?
Now on to the Civilizations!
The Shang Dynasty was one of the first Chinese societies to leave written records. Like the Babylonians and Egyptians, the Shang developed a strong central government to develop agriculture and trade.
After the decline of the Shang Dynasty in 1100 BCE, a new tribe called the Zhou invaded and established a new dynasty
To give legitimacy to their rule, they claimed they had a Mandate of Heaven. This stated that their rule was divine and that they had the backings of the Gods.
Clearly the Shang Dynasty lost the Gods' Favor!
This created the Dynasty Cycle, which stated that any dynasty that fell from power, fell because they became corrupt and lost the gods' favor
Zhou Achievements
While most civilizations of the era used bronze to create their tools, the Zhou mastered the use of Iron. It was stronger and cheaper than bronze.
The Zhou also made huge gains in agriculture, transportation, and communication. They also created a system of currency and used chopsticks!
Ancient China
Ancient India
Ancient India
Ancient China
How did China’s geography affect its early civilization?
The Shang and the Zhou
Zhou Dynasty
The Zhou also established a system called
A political system where lords or nobles are granted lands that legally belong to the king. In return these lords owe economic and military loyalty to the king.
Geography of China
China’s Physical Geography
Rivers of China
- High Deserts
- Gobi
- Takla
- Makan
- Great Mountains
- Altai Mountains
- Tien Shan
- Himalayas
- Huang He (Yellow River)
- Yangtze
Like the Fertile Crescent, the early Chinese settlers flourished near the river valleys of the Yangtze and the Yellow Rivers
Although the rivers supplied the ancient Chinese with water and silt, they flooded unpredictably, and many drowned. The Huang He earned the infamous nickname, "China's Sorrow."
Chinese Language
Like hieroglyphics of Egypt, the early Chinese language was based off of picture representations of objects, or pictographs. In order to be literate, one would have to know thousands of different characters!
The importance of the Family persisted even in death, as the spirits of dead ancestors were thought to bring luck or doom upon the living.
The Shang also believed in many different gods, the primary one being Shang Di. These gods were thought to communicate through Oracle Bones, animal bones and tortoise shells Chinese priests would write on and then touch with a torch.
The Shang also created large tombs filled with precious goods for use in the after life just like the Egyptians
Sometimes living animals and servants would be buried alive with their dead masters!
Society in the Shang Dynasty revolved around the idea that the group was more important than the individual. The Family was the most important social structure in Chinese life. Filial Piety is the powerful concept of virtue and respect towards one's elders and ancestors. Even today language and social order is centered around this idea
Shang Dynasty
Tale of Two Dynasties
Based on archaeological evidence, Chinese Society began 4-5,000 years ago in the Yellow River Valley
We will take a look at two major Civilizations, the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty.
These two civilizations were responsible for many institutions and customs that carried into Chinese culture for centuries