Anger & Frustration
- Release leads to temper tantrums
- Often released by screaming, kicking, pounding & sometimes holding their breath
- May continue through the age of four
- One-year-olds suffer from separation anxiety
- Three-year-olds with an expanding imagination may fear the dark
- Adults should not dismiss the fears of the toddler but should handle in a supportive way
- May begin when the child is 18 months
- Peaks at the age of three
- Cause: the toddler cannot understand that there is enough attention or love for everyone.
- Usually expressed by doing the opposite of what others want
- Causes of negativism - desire for independence, frustration
- The way a toddler expresses independence & opposition to the world
Emotional Development
- The ability to put oneself in another person's shoes
- By age two, the toddler has developed the ability to empathize
- Relationships formed by toddler's interactions forms the basis of their ability to love and show affection
- Parent or other caregiver is the first person the child learns to love
- later expanded to include siblings and others outside of the home.
Realization of being a separate person
- Self-centered - sees the world as revolving around themselves
- Egotistic - often expressed by the word "mine"
- Self-esteem & self-image
5.02 Emotional & Social Development of Toddlers