Organizations involved in the study and management of rare and endangered species include:
- Canadian museum of nature
- Canadian wild life service
- Wildlife conservation and service
- Wildlife conservation and management
Some Organizations involved in the protection of canadian species and the environment include:
- World Wildlife fund
- Canadian Wildlife federation
- Canadian Nature Federation
- Pollution Probe
- Ocean Voice International
Canada is also a signatory to the international trade in endangered species
what can we do?
"Individuals and industries are coming to realize that many wastes do not disappear when dumped into the air, earth or water but spread through the biosphere; that we shall have to consider the environmental effects of each societies requirements (energy, transportation, sewage disposal, wetlands and leisure time) and that the habitat of mankind includes nature."
There are 12 animals that have already been affected:
- Black footed ferret (extirpated in 1937, reintroduced in 2009)
- Passenger Pigeon (extinct)
- Timber Rattlesnake (extirpated)
- Banff Long Nose Dace (extinct)
Extirpated means to remove totally, destroy totally or to do away with
Endangered means threatened with extinction
Extinct means no longer existing or living
others that are threatened, endangered and vulnerable include:
Vulnerable means susceptible to physical or emotional abuse
- The Sea Otter (threatened)
- Acadian Whitefish (endangered)
- Short Head Sculpin (threatened)
- Leather Back Turtle (endangered)
- Peregrine Falcon (endangered)
- Brindled Madtom (vulnerable)
- kirkland warbler (endangered)
- Front Facing wolverine (rarely seen)
- whooping crane (threatened)
Threatened means having an uncertain chance of continued survival
Major factors affecting
- Exploitation through hunting fishing gathering of eggs or young
- Destruction of habitat and pollution
- Lack of natural vegetation to control erosion on stream banks
- Air pollution from acid and other toxic substances and water pollution by industry, individuals and municipalities
protecting the habitats
The requirements for an aquatic animal include:
- spawning grounds
- nursery areas,
- unobstructed rivers for migration into the sea and returning to spawning grounds
- estuarine and offshore feeding spots for the young and adults.
- Terrestrial habitats are also vulnerable,
- salt licks,
- summer and winter ranges
- and undisturbed calving grounds
are necessary for survival of its species
- the smallest change or unavailable requirement affects its species.
organizations involved