- Art may seek to bring about a particular emotion or mood, for the purpose of relaxing or entertaining the viewer.
- This is often the function of the art industries of Motion Pictures and Video Games.
- Art is also used by art therapists, psychotherapists and clinical psychologist as art therapy.
- The end product is not the principal goal in this case, but rather a process of healing, through creative act, is sought.
- An illustrative art, such as scientific illustration, is a form of art as communication.
- Emotions, moods and feelings are also communicated through art.
These may to bring about :
- Political change
- To comment on an aspect of society
- To convey a specific propaganda
- Simple as a form of communication
Art for Propaganda
Art for Political Change
- Art is utilized as a form of Propaganda and can be used to subtly influence popular conceptions or mood.
One of the defining functions
of early twentieth century art
has been to use visual images
to bring about political
Motivated Functions of Art