U is for unwieldy
Shows what a challenge they were going through
Z is for zoo
Shows how they the animals.
Y is for cYril
Shows there isn't going to be a way to know what happened to the bodies.
X is for X-Ray
They did X-Rays on the bodies to see what the cause of death was.
W is for Waver
Shows indecision in the characters.
T is for tacit
V is for Vindicated
Shows that each person wasn't charged
Shows how each person was misunderstood
S is for Savory
Shows how good things were at the beginning
R is for rigor
Shows how strict they were with themselves about not disapearing.
Q is for Quaint
Shows how they view the house they are staying in.
P is for Perjury
Tells a little into their backgrounds.
O is for oblique
Shows how they kept going on the wrong leads and never found the real murderer.
N is for none
There was no on left alive on the island
M is for Malicious
Show how they think the disappearences are meant o be.
L is for Lassitude
This 'tells' the reader how they feel about people disappearing.
K is for key
Shows how they lock themselves in so they don't disapear.
J is for Juncture
Shows how they work together or join.
I is for Inert
Shows how scared they got towards the end of the book.
H is for hideous
Lets the reader know how shocking these disappearences are
G is for Gravity
Shows how important it is to solve the mystery.
F is for Flourish
Showing that nothing was there really.
E is for eon
D is for Dispassion
The characters didn't show much emotion as each disappeared until the very end.
They felt like they were on the island for eons
C is for covert
Each of the guests had a secret so the word covert is important.
And Then There Were None Project
B is for bizzare
Bizzare is important to the story because it shows how out of the ordinary these murders were happening.
A is for Acquiesce
Acquiesce is important to show how they compiled with everything.
By: Lindsie Garlock 6th period