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Internal conflict

Man vs. Self

A struggle that occurs within a character's own mind

- deciding between right and wrong

- having mixed emotions, such as feeling relieved but disappointed at the same time

- having fear prevents you from reaching a goal

- feeling guilt or shame about a past wrongdoing

- struggling with self-image

- struggling to break a bad habit

There are two different kinds of conflict: internal conflict and external conflict

Man vs. Man

two characters against each other

Let's put your conflict-identifying skills to the test!

- you vs. a bully

- you against your parents

- two sports teams against each other

What is conflict?

What are some examples of conflict that you experience every day?

-a disagreement with a friend about where to have lunch

- a fight with your sibling

A struggle between forces; the result of competing desires or the presence of obstacles that need to be overcome

-a rivalry at a soccer game

Man vs. Nature/Environment

External conflict

weather, objects, activities, or anything other than another person against a character

A struggle that occurs between a character and an outside force

- the hiker vs. the slippery slope

- the captain of the ship vs. a hurricane

Man vs. Society

one character up against a group of characters or even up against a belief system that belongs to a group of characters

- Rosa Parks vs. segregation

- a girl who want to join the boys hockey team

Do now:

Turn to your neighbor and talk about what conflict is for the next 3 minutes.

What are some examples of conflict that you experience every day?


By the end of today's lesson, you will be able to:

What are some examples of conflict that you experience every day?

-a disagreement with a friend about where to have lunch

-a fight with your sibling

A struggle between forces; the result of competing desires or the presence of obstacles that need to be overcome

-a rivalry at a soccer game

-identify the four different types of conflict

Internal vs External Conflict

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