RTP only nuclear research reactor in Malaysia at Agensi Nuklear Malaysia, Bangi.
1st operate on1982 and reached its first criticality on 28 June 1982.
- Pool type reactor
- Reactor core sits at the bottom of a 7-metre high aluminium tank
- Surrounded by a biological shield made of high density concrete.
- Fuel elements in which the zirconium-hydride moderator is homogeneously combined with enriched uranium.
- Water acts both as coolant and neutron moderator, while graphite acts as a reflector.
What is TRIGA?
TRIGA stands for Training, Research, Isotope Production and General Atomic
Facilities Available
in reactor
Research & Development
of RTP
- Nuclear Research and Development
- Environmental Science
- Material Science
- Archeology and Forensic Science
- Structural Studies of materials related to metals, ceramics, polymers and biology
- Life Science
- Geological Science
- Nuclear Materials
- Non-destructive testing
- Radioisotope Production
- Medical diagnostic studies
- Industrial and agriculture application
- Medical therapeutic studies
- Education and Training
- Reactor physics and engineering
- Reactor utilization
- Radiation source
- Nuclear safety
- Reactor Instrumentations
- Nuclear materials
- Reactor operations and maintenance
- Safety, Security, Safeguards
Thank you
Reactor TRIGA
Puspati (RTP)
What is RTP?
Ahmad Tarmimi Bin Ismail
Rotary Specimen Rack is used for activation analysis and isotope production
Pneumatic Transfer System for the production of very short-lived radioisotopes
Neutron Radiography Facility (NuR2
Small Angle Neutron Scattering Facility (SANS) for the characterisation of materials on a nano scale
Application of RTP
(cc) photo by Jakob Montrasio