Reviving The Spirit of Waqf-e-Nau
- Dedication by Parents before Birth (3:36)
- Example of Hadrat Ishamel: "Thou wilt find me, if Allah please, of those who are patient" (37:103)
- Jamia: "... a body of men who should invite to goodness..." (3:105)
- "... gain better understanding of religion, and that they may warn their people..." (9:122)
- Only Ahmadi mother today dedicates her unborn child to God
- Only Ahmadi fathers bring up their children that they are ready for every sacrifice
- These children renew their pledge at 18 and write to the Khalifa of the time saying,
- ‘the first pledge was my parents, I now make the pledge myself; send me to sacrifice wherever you choose. You will always find me among those who are patient and who have resolve and those who do not shirk away from the pledge of their parents.’
Things you enjoy,
What makes you “come alive”
Friday Sermon of Jan 18th 2013
Good Upbringing by Parents
Self Piety
Understanding Dues of God & Dues of Mankind
Leads to:
Passion for Tabligh & Service for Humanity
- More Waqfe Nau children should be going to Jamia.
- Jamia students = 1,400
- Waqfe Nau boys ~ 28,000When they are young, children are quite enthusiastic and happy about being in Waqfe Nau.
- But Western environment, company of friends etc. DIVERTS their attention from Jamia
For the Parents:
If you Inculcate Spirit of Waqfe from the start with understanding that whatever he or she has is of the Jama’at.
Then there would be attention to consult the center when choosing subjects
6. Pay attention to the practical field of Tabligh
7. comprehend and have the passion to save the world from destruction
- Best Place to attain religious knowledge is Jamia
- Missionaries are needed to bring about revolutionary change
- US & Canada have over 800 children over the age of 15
- Proper attention can mean drastic increase in Jamia students
For the Parents:
- Parents have to reflect on how much are they honoring their obligations.
- With Freedoms in these countries special supervision and attention is required
- Obligation of BOTH parents to make special endeavor in this regard
What does the Jama’at need?
What are you good at?
- Should not criticize standard of Education in Jamia
- Trouble making/Hypocritical leanings
- If educated in Jamia, may not necessarily make one a missionary...
- Can translate books of Promised Messiah
- Can specialize in other languages
1. Every Waqfe Nau child should try and be a rightful candidate to be dedicated for Allah's cause
2. Pray for Parents who have bestowed this favor on the child
3. Promise to show patience and resolve in every sacrifice for the sake of gaining God’s pleasure. No matter how hard the time, he or she has to honor the pledge of Waqf regardless.
- The administration should try and make interactive Waqfe Nau programs.
4. Make efforts to be counted among those who spread good and who forbid evil. To set good models of this.
5. Attain insight and perception of Holy Qur'an and Ahadith. Recognize good & evil. Read books of the Promised Messiah and increase religious knowledge
- When reaching adolescence Waqfe Nau children should be aware that they have to present themselves to the Jama’at.
- Seek Advice from Waqfe Nau Department for Education. Unneeded areas can result in withdrawal of Waqf.
- Those not in Jamia should also learn languages
- Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV said to know 3 languages: Own, Arabic, & Urdu
- We need a large number of diverse linguists
- *Spanish*
- Girls are more adept at translation work
- Should learn languages and present themselves for translation work
- Follow the syllabus - goes to age 21 now
- Waqfeen should read religious books daily
- 100% Waqfeen should listen to Friday Sermon
Real Waqf = Loyalty
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV, 3rd April 1987
“There is going to come a gateway in Jama’at when these waqf children will be asked that this is the last gate now, you can’t return from here. If you dare make this deal of your life, if you can present your everything to Allah and never return, then come forward, otherwise turn back on your heels.”
“Real waqf means that a person remains steadfast, up to his last breath, with loyalty. Despite all type of injuries and wounds man keeps on creeping in the way of Allah and never retreats.”