The achievements of Sylvester James Gates, Jr.
By Devante' Stewart
* He attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
* He serves on President Barack Obama's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.
*Gates has been featured extensively on NOVA PBS programs on physics, notably "The Elegant Universe" (2003). He completed a DVD series titled Superstring Theory: The DNA of Reality (2006) for The Teaching Company consisting of 24 half-hour lectures to make the complexities of unification theory comprehensible to laypeople
* Professor Gates is the author or coauthor of more than 180 published research papers and is the coauthor of Superspace, or 1001 Lessons in Supersymmetry.
* Professor Gates has also served as a consultant for the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the U.S. Department of Defense.
Birth date-December 15, 1950
Death date- N/A
Education- Two Bachelors degrees, Mathematics and Physics at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
Gates has taught at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Howard University, and the University of Maryland at College Park.
Facts about Sylvester James Gates, Jr.
Sylvester James Gates,Jr.
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