- "Foundation" of aid package
awarded to undergraduate students with lowest EFCs who have not already earned a baccalaureate degree
- Unaffected by student's other aid
- Awarded to undergraduate students with lowest EFCs who have not already earned a baccalaureate degree
- Priority is given to Pell Grant recipients
- Award must be made in order starting with lowest EFCs
- Schools must contribute at least 25% of funding, with limited exceptions
- Schools may transfer up to 25% of allocation to Federal Work-Study Program
The 2014 National Student Aid Profile: Overview of Federal Programs
NASFAA Policy Department
Presentation Overview
- Brief History of Federal Government's Role in Student Aid
- Higher Education Today
- Federal Financial Aid Programs
Justin Draeger, President
Joan Berkes, Senior Policy Analyst
Karen McCarthy, Senior Policy Analyst
Megan McClean, Managing Director for Policy and Federal Relations
Jesse O’Connell, Assistant Director for Federal Relations
Blondeen Philemond, Policy Intern
Charlotte Pollack, Research Analyst
- Need Analysis
- Budget and Appropriations
- HEA Reauthorization
- NASFAA Tools
- Resources and Q & A
- TEACH Grant
- Direct Loans & Origination Fees
- Iraq Afghanistan Service Grants
- FY 2015 Budget and Appropriations
Federal Pell Grant Program
Federal Student Aid Today: A National Profile
There are multiple ways of filing the FAFSA:
- How will sequestration impact future award years?
output sent to:
- Maximum Pell Grant for award year 2014-15: $5,730
- Impact of sequestration for upcoming award year:
Federal Aid Available for Packaging:
Pell Grant
Perkins Loans
Direct Loans
Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant
Budget and Appropriations Update
- Nearly 34.2 million FAFSA applications, 2012-13
- 71% of the total amount of federal student aid was Title IV Federal dollars
- 105% increase over 10 years of total amount of Title IV federal student aid
- $82.7 billion, 2002-03
- $169.7 billion 2012-13
- FAFSA on the Web (FOTW)
- Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) Access to Central Processing System (CPS) Online
- The paper FAFSA
- FAFSA on the Phone
Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR)
State Agency
Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR)
HEA Reauthorization
Campus-Based Programs
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Federal Pell Grant Program End-of-year Report, 2011-12.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program (FSEOG)
- Senate Bills
- House Bills
- Major Themes
- Simplification
- Affordability
- Indebtedness
- Competency-Based Learning
- Transparency
- Predictions for movement?
- Loan discharged if borrower dies, becomes permanently or totally disabled, or manages to pass bankruptcy requirements
- Loan canceled for certain types of employment, volunteer activities, or military service
Budget and Appropriations Update Cont'd
Federal Appropriations in Current and Inflation-Adjusted Dollars (in Millions), 2002-03 to 2012-13
Source: The College Board, Trends in Student Aid, 2013.
- Annual appropriation is allocated among participating institutions
- Statutory formula
- Institutions must apply by Oct 1 (FISAP)
- School awards funds to eligible students based on program requirements
- School may draw cost allowance to offset costs of administering campus-based and Pell programs
CPS database
Federal Appropriations for the FWS Program in Current and Inflation-Adjusted Dollars
(in Millions), 2002-03 to 2012-13
Source: The College Board, Trends in Student Aid, 2013.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Financial Aid Administrator: Rich Heath, Director of Financial Aid & Veteran's Benefits at Anne Arundel Community College
- No interest accrues during deferment or 6-month post-deferment grace period
- Deferments
- In school and certain fellowships or rehab
- While in service eligible for loan cancellation
- While seeking but unable to find employment
- Economic hardship (including Peace Corps)
- Certain military service
Internal Revenue Service Data Retrieval Tool
- Process enables students and parents to transfer tax return information from IRS website directly to FOTW application
- IRS Data Retrieval Tool also available for corrections
- Available February 2, 2014 for 2014-15 processing cycle
Schools must award FWS employment "to the maximum extent practicable, that will complement and reinforce each recipient's educational program or career goals
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the central element of the federal student aid application process
- FAFSA data is used to:
1) Compute the expected family contribution (EFC)
2) Confirm certain student eligibility criteria via database matches with federal agencies
(full data element)
- Prior to July 1, 2012, graduate/professional students
- COA minus other aid, up to applicable limit
- Interest accrues and is payable by borrower, but may be capitalized during periods of study or deferment
- Interest accrues but is paid by the federal government during periods of study or deferment
- Undergraduate, graduate, professional students
- Non-need-based
Direct Subsidized Loans
Direct Unsubsidized Loans
- COA minus EFC minus other aid, up to applicable limit
One EFC short cut: Automatic Zero EFC (Auto Zero)
Two EFC formulas
- Applicable to dependent model and independent with dependents model
- AGI of parents (or independent student and spouse) was no greater than $24,000 (for 2014-15)
- Same tax filing criteria as for simplified
with dependents
other than a spouse
Three EFC models
Umbrella for four loan programs:
Federal Work-Study Program (FWS)
Federal Perkins Loan Program
with no dependents
other than a spouse
- COA minus other aid, no limit
- Single
- Married, no children or other dependents
- Federal Direct Stafford/Ford Loan Program
- Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford Loan Program
- Federal Direct PLUS Program
- Federal Direct Consolidation Loan Program
- Direct Loans
- Direct Subsidized Loans
- Direct Unsubsidized Loans
- Direct Stafford Loans
- Stafford Loans
- Subsidized Stafford Loans
- Unsubsidized Stafford Loans
Provides low-interest loans to financially needy students attending institutions of higher education to help them pay their educational costs.
- Interest accrues and is payable, but may be capitalized during periods of study or deferment.
- Campus-based program Revolving Fund
- Federal Capital Contribution (FCC)
- Institutional Capital Contribution (ICC):
- 1/3 of FCC
- Collections on previously made loans
- Reimbursements for loan cancellations
- Up to 25% of allocations (FCC) may be transferred to FSEOG and/or FWS
- Graduate, professional students
- Parents of dependent undergraduate students
- Non-need-based
Direct PLUS Loans
- Parental AGI (or earnings for non-filer) under $50,000
- Parents were not required to file 1040 long form, or family member received means-tested Federal benefit, or parent is a dislocated worker
- For independent student, apply tests to student and, if married, spouse
(excludes assets)
William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program
Direct Loans
Final Step: School packages student
Source: The College Board, Trends in Student Aid, 2013.
Need Analysis Continued
Federal Student Loan Volume (Inflation-Adjusted Dollars, in Millions), 2002-03 to 2012-13
- Campus-based program
- School generally must match allocation with its own funds, 75% federal, 25% school
- Institutional share varies by nature of job or employer
- Some schools exempt from matching
- Match can also be "in-kind"
CPS sends info to student, school, and state
Definition of Need:
- Eligibility for non-need-based programs (Direct Unsubsidized and PLUS loans) does not consider EFC
- COA and EFC defined in Part F of the HEA, Title IV
- Professional Judgment
- ED may not regulate
FWS employers may be:
Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
- The school itself
- Limitations if the school is for-profit
- A Federal, State, or local public agency
- A private nonprofit organization
- A private for-profit organization
- Limitations
Direct Loan Summary
1 Grace period: period after borrower graduates, leaves, or falls below half-time status
2 Grace Period Interest Subsidy is temporarily eliminated on Direct Subsidized Loans during the six month grace period. This change is effective for new Direct Stafford Loans for which the first disbursement is made on or after July 1, 2012, and before July 1, 2014.
Loan limits: See the Student Aid Reference Sheet
Need Analysis
Cost of Attendance (COA)
- Earnings must be monitored to avoid exceeding award
- Student may be paid up to $300 over need
- This is basis for campus-based over-award tolerance when student gets unanticipated additional aid
- Additional flexibility:
- Carry forward (10% limit)
- Carry back (10% limit unless for summer)
- Transfer to FSEOG and/or Perkins (25% limit)
- Tuition and fees
- Books and supplies
- Room and board
- Transportation, miscellaneous personal expenses, personal computer
- Dependent care costs
- Costs related to disability
- Loan fees
- Etc.
- Independent students with dependents
- Independent students with no dependents
- Loan limits are listed on NASFAA's Student Aid Reference Sheet
- Interest rate: 5%
- Interest begins to accrue when repayment begins
- 9 months after borrower is no longer enrolled at least half-time
- Repayment period: 10 years
- Calculated as a dollar amount
- Often viewed more as a rationing device
Expected Family Contribution
Repayment Features
For 2014-15
Direct Loan Repayment Plans
- Standard
- Graduated
- Extended
- Income-Based (except parent PLUS)
- Income-Contingent (except parent PLUS)
- Maximum award is $5,730
- Minimum award is $587
School Packages Student
- Undergraduate, graduate, professional students
- Priority must be given to exceptionally needy students
- School defines "exceptionally needy"
- Willingness to repay
Higher Education Today
2014 National
Student Aid Profile
Quick Stats:
- Student Aid Index
- Today's News
- Policy White Papers
- Justin Draeger: draegerj@nasfaa.org
- Megan McClean: mccleanm@nasfaa.org
- Jesse O'Connell: oconnellj@nasfaa.org
- Joan Berkes: berkesj@nasfaa.org
- Karen McCarthy: mccarthyk@nasfaa.org
- Charlotte Pollack: pollackc@nasfaa.org
- Blondeen Philemond: philemondb@nasfaa.org
- Richard Heath: rcheath@aacc.edu
- NASFAA University
- ASKRegs
- National Conference
- Code of Ethics & Code of Conduct
- Self-Evaluation Guides
- Policies and Procedures Tools
- Webinars
- Journal of Student Financial Aid
NASFAA Statement of Ethical Principles
2014 National Profile of Programs in Title IV of the Higher Education Act
For students, parents, and counselors information can found on the NASFAA website
NASFAA Mission Statement: The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators supports the training, diversity, and professional development of financial aid administrators; advocates for public policies and programs that increase student access to and success in postsecondary education; and serves as a forum for communication and collaboration on student financial aid issues.
- 62% of total students are full-time
- 41% of total students are 18-24 years old
- 57% of total students are women
- More than 74% of Pell Grant recipients had a family income of less than $30,000 in 2011-12
History of Federal Government's Role in Student Aid
- Morrill Act of 1862
- Land Grants to fund state colleges
- "G.I. Bill" - Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944
- Educating and retraining returning servicemen
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2001 through Spring 2013.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Fall 2000 through Fall 2012, Institutional Characteristics component.
History of Pell Grant Program
History of Campus-based Aid
- Higher Education Amendments of 1972
- Basic Educational Opportunity Grant
Program (BEOG) or Basic Grant
- 1980
- Renamed after Senator Claiborne Pell
- Federal Perkins Loan Program
- Sputnik, 1957
- National Defense Education Act of 1958
- Federal Work-Study Program (FWS)
- Economic Opportunity Act of 1964
- FSEOG Program
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
- Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965
created precursor program (Educational Opportunity Grant - EOG)
- HEA Amendments of 1972 replaced EOG with FSEOG
History of FFEL and DL
- FFEL (Federal Family Education Loan)
- Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965
- PLUS (Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students
- Higher Education Amendments of 1980
- DL (Direct Loan)
- Higher Education Amendments of 1992