The 3 Main Types of
Sign Langauage
ASL-American Sign Language
- is the natural native language of the Deaf community
- is a full language with its own grammar and structure
- it is composed of precise hand shapes and movements.
SEE-Signed Exact English
- uses ASL signs with English prefixes, suffixes and tenses
- also uses fingerspelling
- one word equals one sign
- English word order
- a way to represent a word by spelling out letter by letter
- each of the 26 letters of the alphabet have an individual handshape
The Smurfs learning
Sign Language.
The History of
Sign Language
Sign Language originated in France in the 1700's
- Abbe' Charles Michel de l'Epee opened the first free school for the deaf.
- Abbe' de l'Epee studied and mastered the natural French sign of the deaf
In 1816 Thomas Galluadet, an American minister who wanted to find ways to educate deaf children met Abbe' Sicard who was trained by Abbe'de l'Epee in French sign language.
- Laurent Clerc was a deaf man and Sicard's protege'
- Clerc impressed Galluadet so much that on April15, 1817 Clerc and Gallaudet opened the first school for the deaf
What is Sign Language?
In 1989, the U.S. Supreme Court recognizes American Sign Language as a standard independent language.
Laurent Clerc and Thomas Galluadet taught and advocated for the deaf in America for over 40 years.
- Clerc trained future hearing and deaf teacher
- In 1818 Clerc went before the U.S. Congress to gain support for deaf education. He was the 1st deaf person to address congress
- Sign language is received through the power of vision and understood as seen, rather than a heard language.
- Sign Language is a visual mode of communication and the third most used language in the world.
The Alphabet in Sign Language
What are the different types of sign language?
Learning the Basics