"Simply stated, every person should have the right to own a reticulated python or green anaconda but not every person should own one. America is about having rights, not losing them."
–Phil Gross, USARK President
General Info
- The organization is mostly made up of individual members who apply for membership on the website. There are different levels of membership for different costs, and customers can receive merch/perks with their entry.
- While the number of members is not stated on the website, the organization claims to have an enormous grassroots movement dubbed "The Reptile Nation."
Membership cont.
- Non-profit organization founded in 2008 by Andrew Wyatt
- It is based in North Carolina
- "A science, education and conservation based advocacy (organization) for the responsible private ownership of, and trade in reptiles" (Mission Statement)
- Founded in reaction to government regulations on the reptile trade; seeks to protect reptile keepers, breeders, and hobbyists who would be affected by them
President - Phil Gross
Chairman of the Board of Directors - Gary Bagnall
Science Director - Dr. Warren Booth
Marketing Director - Ralph Davis
Director - Todd Goodman
Director - Jeff Ronne
Director - Ramy Guirguis
Director - Loren Leigh
- USARK headquarters are in Grandy, North Carolina
- Membership fees, merchandise, and donations (as well as live reptile auctions) account for the majority of the organization's budget. USARK claims that it receives "annual trade revenues of $1.4 billion in the US." This budget is used for lobbying ($20 - $120k per year), as well as maintaining upkeep.
The United States Association
of Reptile Keepers or USARK
a presentation by John McIvor
Student Member – Individual ($20)
Bronze Member – Individual ($40)
- Receive newsletter
- 1 USARK T-shirt
Bronze Sustaining Member – Individual ($5/month)
- Receive newsletter
- NO shirts (as of 9/4/14)
Silver Member – Hobbyist/ Small Business ($250)
- Receive newsletter
- 2 USARK T-shirts
- Silver Member badge for website/advertising purposes upon request
Gold Member – Business Leader ($1000+)
- Receive newsletter
- 5 USARK T-shirts
- Gold Member badge for website/advertising purposes upon request
USARK's logo
- Organization primarily seeks to keep the reptile trade deregulated, so that breeders can raise exotic (and often deadly) snakes. They also act to conserve endangered species.
- Promotion of DNA seed banks, "escape prevention protocols" and better caging standards
- Lobbies/garners support to destroy legislation that may potentially cripple the exotic snake trade
- "Led successful opposition to IL SB3264 DAL, VA HB1242/ SB477 DAL, WV SB477 DAL, SC SB1244 DAL and RI SB2033 DAL- 2012"
- "Led massive Grass Roots Campaign to KILL HR669-2008"
- "Killed S373/HR2811 ‘Python BAN’- 2009-2010"
- Currently faced with a "temporary salamander import ban" in the U.S. and a permanent ban on ALL snakes in the state of Florida.
- Political Action Committee - "The Reptile Defense Fund"
- Raises $1.4 billion annually through donations, membership fees, and merchandizing.
- Campaign contributions used to lobby environmental organizations in the federal government, such as the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
- While much of their lobbying information is unlisted, the organization spends between 20 and 120 million dollars each year to keep the snake and reptile trade legitimate.
A USARK t-shirt, one of many designs
- The mass media has treated the organization in three different lights: 1) As a successful and legitimate conservation group, 2) As an outlandish conservative group promoting dangerous animals, or even 3) As a silly or unimportant organization in the grand scheme of world events. It can often be found mentioned in articles titled "Ten Strange Lobbying Groups That We Swear Are Real".
- That the organization is silly/useless: "The group spent $20,000 in 2012 lobbying for "miscellaneous issues." (We're going to make an educated guess that it was reptile-related.)" –Elizabeth Flock, 10 Strange Lobbying Groups That We Swear Are Real.
- That the organization has merit: "It is likely that the City of Dunedin, like USARK, is unaware that this proposed ordinance violates State Constitution. We commend USARK for the effort." –"Herp Alliance", Reptile Ban in Dunedin, Florida Unconstitutional