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Ancient Greek Wars Battle Tactics Timeline

By: Will Layden

Battle of Mycale

- Took place in 470 B.C.E in Ionia, which is in the mountains of modern day Turkey

Battle of Plataea

- The battle was between 6 thousand Greek troops and 100 Greek ships versus 50 thousand Persian troops and 300 Persian ships

- This battle took place in 479 B.C.E on mainland Greece

- This was the final Persian War or Persian Invasion

- The tactics were simple. Critical assault. This was a hand to hand combat for most of the battle and it was almost like a "brawl" for the battle on the land.

- This battle was between 40 thousand Greek troops versus 50 to 100 thousand Persians

Battle of salamis

- It resulted in a Greek victory after the Persian fleet was destroyed, and it finally drove the Persians out of Greece for a while

- The tactics in this battle was all out war. Hand to hand combat. No giving up until there were no more of the enemy troops

- It was a Greek victory

- This battle took place in 480 B.C.E and was a naval battle around the island of Salamis

- They killed Mardonius and the Persians were forces to retreat

- The only greek consequences were that they lost a lot of troops

- The battle consisted of the Persians versus the Athenians

Analysis of the Battles

Battle of Thermopylae

- The tactics in this battle were simple. There was bad weather and the Greeks were outnumbered. So, they waited and waited until they sent one boat out to the Persian fleet, and rammed it initiating all out war.

- Overall in this series of battles, there were tactics that worked and didn't. For example, when the hand to hand combat and the seas combat seemed to work for the Greeks. They lost it when they were forced to be patient and wait it out in the pass with the Persians.

- Took place in 480 B.C.E and the battle was between the Greeks and the Persians

- The Greeks were overall successful in the Persian wars thanks to their battle tactics, their leader, Darius, and their will to win and get through the wars

- The Athenians win the battle but lose 40 ships to the Persians 200

- There was unique battle tactics used in this battle. It was to wait until side would attack. Both sides waited until one lost patience and all out attack then started.

- The Persians were lead by Xerxes and the Athenians were led by King Leonidas

The Battle of Marathon 490 B.C.E

- This was known as the famous battle of the 300. The Spartans were tremendously outnumbered and that resulted in a Greek defeat, despite a good effort

- This battle was the first Persian invasion on the mainland Greece

- The consequences and outcomes of the battle were that Athens got completely destroyed and the Spartan troops were massacred

- The Persian fleet attacked the shores of the mainland at dawn

- The Persians were led by Darius and they boarded the shores to meet the Athenian troops at Marathon

- The 9,000 Athenian troops marched the terrain to Marathon to meet their enemies

- The battle lasted for a couple weeks with the final outcome of the battle resulting in a Athenian victory

- The battle ended when the Persians fled back to their ships on the water

- The Athenians were successful in this battle

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