How does your curriculum work for students with attention difficulty?
Impact on Curriculum Design
- What design elements can make a difference in the level of understanding for students with ADHD?
- How can technology be used to enhance curriculum for inclusive eduction and to make differentiation easier?
How Do They Do It?
Strategies That Work
Curriculum Design for Students with ADHD
- Inclusion of group work
- Lots of hands-on activities
- Small chunks of info.
- Lots of visuals
- Opportunity for repetition
- Less memorization of facts
- More performance assessments
- More arts integration
- More built-in differentiation (graphic organizers, ancillary materials etc.)
- Technology packages
- Scaffolding
- Multiple Intelligences: Naturalist and Spatial
- Technology that provides instant feedback
- Incorporating student interests
- Authentic problems - build this, assemble this, plan our school field trip, start a real business etc.
What does it feel like?
- Pay attention to EVERYTHING in the room - No filter
- Like a thousand ping-pong balls bouncing in your brain at once
- Jumping from one idea to the next without fully processing any of them
- Adapting curriculum for all levels from Learning Disable to Gifted
- Including more curricular resources
- Providing options for differentiation
- Determining the best ideology or ideology components to meet the demands of today's students
Activity: What do you notice?
Listen to the audio and write down what you notice about the way someone with ADHD thinks
What is ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Executive functioning
- Attention to detail
- Remembering details
- Organizing
- Recall - need time
- Impulsive
- Attention to task
- Easily distracted
- Hyperactive
Where do you see it?
- Inclusive education and differentiation
- LRE - Least Restrictive Environment
- Affects 5-9% of all children
- Between 4:1 and 9:1 male-female ration depending on study
- 33% drop out of high school
It's not all bad...
- Creativity
- Musical intelligence
- Artistic
- Kinesthetic - proficiency with hands-on tasks
- Surface-level multi-tasking