Orff Schulwerk
Intro to Orff - Ages 4-6
Scotland's Burning - Canon
3rd Grade
Lincoln Elementary Performing Arts School
Orff Ensemble : Minor Distraction
What Does Orff Want?
- An all-inclusive approach to learning
- Children to perform, create, improvise, listen, analyze
- Students to become self sufficient musically
The Orff Schulwerk Philosophy
- Children learn through play, and games are their textbook
- Game playing is universal to children, with similiar type games (such as stone passing) found in different countries on different continents.
- The game/fun feel allows for easy repetition (Hey! They are practicing and don't know it! And they didn't even have to fill out a practice log!)
What Is It?
So What Are Some Ways He Supports In Teaching Music?
Orff Schulwerk (schoolwork) is a process of music learning developed for students to learn musicality
- Named after Carl Orff (1895-1982), a German composer, who developed the principals in the 20th century
- Speak, move, sing, do
- Start with rhythm
- Break off into speech and movement
- Big in body percussion
- Stomp
- Pat(schen)
- Clap
- Snap
- Apply work to other aspects (movement, transfer patterns to instruments, singing, etc)
- Ostinato, drone, bourdon
Where Did It Come From And
How Did It Develop?
- Orff teamed with Dorothee Gunther (dancer) to create Gutherschule in Munich for musicians and dancers to integrate their arts
- Inspired by Dalcroze, Laban, and Mendsendieck
- Gutherschule students Gunild Keetman and Maja Lex later helped refine techniques for younger students
- Music gained momentum through demand for copies of radio broadcasts in which their music was featured
Tools In Orff Schulwerk
- Body percussion
- Movement
- Dance
- Orff Xylophones
- Percussion instruments
- Recorders
Imagination and Motivation