2. Alexander The Great
1. Genghis Khan
- Born: c. 1162
- Died: 1227
- He was hated in Asia
- He was tough
- He had over 12 million square kilometers
- His army was fearless
- He was the George Washington of Mongolia
- He died with a successor
- Had a memorial built 80o years after his death
- His army had very skilled archers
- He murdered his messenger
- Born: 356 BC
- Died: 323 BC
- Domain over 5 million square kilometers
- Took control of the Persian Empire at 25
- He never lost a battle
- Got his whole domain in 13 years
- He introduced the Greek language
- 2nd largest empire ever
- He was an inspiration
- He became ill coming home from battle
- In 333 BC, he broke a knot, you could rule all of Asia if you could untie it. He slashed it with his sword
3. Tamerlane
- Born: 1336
- Died: 1405
- United his empire in 1370
- Went on rampage for 40 years
- His empire collapsed after his death in 1405
- Died of the plague in 1405
- Was more of a politician
- Soldiers were fierce and ruthless
- Has many statues in Uzbekistan
- He was a "hero"
The 10 Greatest Conquerors
4. Cyrus The Great
- Born: 580 BC
- Died: 539 BC
- He was not ruthless or crewel
- He was killed in battle
- He is buried in Iran
- King of Babylon from 539 BC
- Domain of 5 million square kilometers
- He actually fought in battles
- His tomb is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
- He set up local governments
- His soldiers were organized in groups of 10
By: Jack Hibbert
5. Shi Huangdi
- Born: 259 BC
- Died: 210 BC
- Had a domain close to 5 million square kilometers
- Proclaimed himself the Emperor of China in 221 BC
- He was the first ever. The last (Puyi) stopped ruling on July 12, 1917
- He was fearless and ruthless
- He was hated
- He confined himself into his palace
- He has the largest tomb in the world
- His tomb has 7,000 clay soldiers
- He died f an overdose of Mercury, thinking it could give him eternal life.
Thank you!
6. Attila The Hun
- Born: 406
- Died: 453
- Was remembered as crewel
- Had early 4 million square kilometers in Europe and Asia
- Ruled with his brother, and reportedly murdered him so he could rule alone
- Had good leadership skills
- His army was a loose alliance of nomadic tribes
- Knew his enemy very well
- Had a small army
- United the Huns
- He died on his wedding night. He ate too much, had a nosebleed, fell asleep, and choked on his own blood.
8: Julius Caesar
- Born: 100 BC
- Died: 44 BC
- Conquered Europe and the Middle East
- Had 2,000,000 square kilometers
- Was assassinated by his friends and political opponents
- The topic of a William Shakespeare play
- Was captured by pirates
- After he died, the Emperor was known at the Caesar
- Had land in 23 countries
- His successor was his adopted nephew Octavian
- His empire lasted over 500 years
7. Napoleon Bonaparte
- Born: 1769
- Died: 1821
- Emperor of France from 1804
- Empire covered more the 3.5 million square kilometers
- Won almost 60 battles
- Nicknamed "The Undefeated"
- He was not short, he was actually average size for his time. He always stood next to tall soldiers.
- Lost his final battle at Waterloo
- Was in exile twice
- He had a VERY good army
9: Hernán Cortés
10: William The Conqueror
- Born: 1485
- Died: 1547
- Had a domain of 500,000 square kilometers in Mexico and Spain
- Defeated the Aztecs in 1519
- Was a mayor in Cuba
- His army was small
- Captured the Aztecs' capital city on August 15, 1521
- He had 12 horses and 500 men
- He tried to change the culture in Mexico, but instead spread diseases
- He got rid of Aztecs
- Changed history forever in Mexico
- Born: About 1028
- Died: 1087
- Conquered England and Scotland
- King of England from 1066-87
- Had a domain of 260,000 square kilometers.
- Spent the last 15 years of his life in Normandy, France
- Had the Domesday Book (like a census) published
- Was completed in 1086, now kept in London
- He was more of a warrior
- It took him 7 months to plan for the Battle of Hastings
- Won the Battle of Hastings in 1066