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The Odyssey: Book 10

"Divine Intervention"

Overall Theme

Book 10

Plot point 1: The Bag of Winds

There are three main plot points in Book 10 of The Odyssey that readers should notice. They provide insight to qualities of the Epic Hero, steps in the Epic Journey, Epic Conventions, and Epic Themes in order to understand the archetypal journey in The Odyssey.

When analyzed as a whole, Book 10 displays the theme of the value of commitment, which is Odysseus' mind frame throughout the story.

-Bag of Winds

-The Laistrygons

-Aiaia (Island)



After meeting with King Aiolos, Odysseus and his crew sail off to Ithaca, only to have a group of distrustful and greedy crew members open the Bag of Winds out of curiosity, pushing them back to the Aiolian Island (Homer 38-49).

Plot point 2:

The Meeting with Hermes

Odysseus meets Hermes on his way to retrieve his men from Circe's palace. He is given wisdom and a flower to help him resist Circe's temptation (Homer 286-301).

"Fight fire with fire."

Theme: The importance of accepting help

Plot Point 2:

The Meeting with Hermes

Importance to the Reader

This event emphasizes both the epic theme of homecoming and the theme topic of hopelessness since despite almost achieving homecoming, this event ultimately ends in failure, only helping to reinforce the feeling of despair within the epic.


1. The Value of Commitment

A. Importance of accepting help

Importance To The Book

Since Odysseus and his crew were already on their way to Ithaca, had Odysseus's crew not opened the bag, the remaining 14 books would have never happened.

Importance to Plot:

"Fight fire with fire."

Book 9

Important to Notice:

Archetypal Mentor (Convention): A Mentor brings gifts to the hero. Odysseus is gifted with wisdom and medicine. Without this help, he wouldn't have been able to overcome Circe.

Odysseus and his men encounter Polyphemus, a cyclopes, on an island. Odysseus uses his wits to overcome the monster and the crew continues their journey.

Book 11

*Theme: importance of accepting help*

Odysseus and his crew visit the underworld according to Circe's advice and meet various spirits, including Tiresias the Blind Prophet, who gives Odysseus further advice to continue his journey.

Plot Point 2:

The Meeting with Hermes

The meeting with Hermes emphasizes the fact that a hero cannot be by themselves throughout the journey and require assistance in order to succeed.

Plot Point 3:

Circe's Foretelling


If the reader does not understand the importance and significance of the hero's journey throughout this book and the rest of The Odyssey, then they will miss out on how the hero develops and grows as a notable figuire in society who will be venerated after his death.

This point in the story, Circe tells Odysseus that he must travel to the underworld so that he may speak to Tiresias a blind prophet.

Importance to story and reader

Everything that Circe says is what happens in the next book, so Circe gave Odysseus supernatural aid in the form of knowledge.

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