Lean Lego Game
Experiment #1
Examples of Lean
How do we improve the process?
Simulate a production line
- 4 teams
- 4 rounds of 40 seconds
- Push and Pull Systems
- Kanban
- Systems Thinking
- Flow
- The list goes on
- Follow the instructions
- Build houses
- 1 piece = $1
- 1 house = $25
Experiment #4
- Intro
- Simulating a production line
Task 4
Experiment #3
Toyota Production System
- Revolutionized manufacturing (Ford vs. Toyota)
- Started to be applied in different areas
- Google, Dell, Zara
- Product Development
- Supply Chain Management
- Software
- Healthcare
- ...
- Discuss your own process
- 1 round for each team
- Using work cells
- Each person builds a house
- Round of 160 seconds
- Signal (raise your hand) if you finish your house
Why are we here?
Seven Wastes
- Overproduction
- Waiting
- Unnecessary transportation
- Over-processing
- Inventory
- Motion
- Defects
- Kathy’s making us
- Legos are fun
- Lean concepts are being used in the software world
- BUT not everyone has had contact with Lean principles and practices
Lean in Software Development
- Manufacturing is not the same as software development
- Lean Product Development
- Knowledge flow is not the same as material flow
Push and Pull Systems
- Continuous Improvement
- Reflect and adapt
- Learn by standardizing
- Long term thinking
- Respect People
Push System = upstream information
Pull System = downstream information
Experiment #2
- Visible Inventory
- Over/Under production
Systems Thinking
- Using Pull and Kanban
- Set up minimum buffers at intermediate steps
- Demand comes first
- Items are produced to fill gaps in the buffers
- Why does it still feel wrong?
- What are other teams doing?
- What’s the purpose of the system?
- We saw some practices
- Practices are contextual
- Underlying principles must be understood
Unleveled Process
A bad system will beat a good person every time
~ W. Eduards Deming
- Physical device
- Signals demand to downstream processes
- Regulates demand on a pull system
- Limits Work in Progress (WIP)
- Aids visual control
- Self directing
- Another type of waste
- Some people working more than other
- Mura (Unevenness)
Lean Wastes in Software Development
Let's get crazy!
Yatai (work cell)
- Final goal is a leveled process
- Production line must be a continuous flow
- One piece is bought when one piece is delivered
- Sustainable pace
- Overproduction
- Waiting
- Unnecessary transportation
- Overprocessing
- Inventory
- Motion
- Defects
- Extra features
- Waiting
- Unnecessary transportation
- Gold Plating
- Partially Completed Work
- Unnecessary Movement
- Defects
- Unused Employee Creativity
- Tangible recipe for success
- Management project or program
- Set of tools for implementation
- System for production floor only
- Implementable in a short- or mid- term period
- Multi-skilled worker
- Single piece flow
- Consistent way to think
- Total management philosophy
- Focus on total customer satisfaction
- Environment of teamwork and improvement
- Never ending search for a better way
- Quality built in process
- Evolutionary
- Do we need 4 teams to build a house?
- Teams 1 and 2 have overlapping tasks
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3