The electric spark theory of life states
that living organisms were created when
electric sparks generated amino acids
and sugar from an atmosphere filled with
volcanic clouds,hydrogen,methane and
ammonia.Over time,organic molecules
were able to build and become more
complex.Eventually,life forms came into existence.
Amino acid
During the Urey-Miller experiment,amino acids were found.Amino acid can be combined to form proteins which form cellular structures.Amino acids are not only on earth they also are found in space.Meteorites,comets,and asteroids have had samples of amino acid.
Electric Spark Theory of life
By Corey,DeUndra,Janay,and Shane
Urey-Miller experiment
Stanley Miller
Urey-Miller experiment (cont)
Miller never analyzed his results.Jeffrey Bada,Miller's former student analyzed the results using modern technology.Bada found 23 amino acids and 4 amines.Both are organic molecules.
In 1953,Harold Urey and Stanley Miller conducted an experiment intended to mimic the primodial conditions that first created amino acids.They mix gases with a lightning-like electric discharge.Years later,Miller did the experiment again and use hydrogen sulfide,a gas that comes from