Putting it all together
How is the purpose of this advert communicated?
- P - What's the purpose?
- E - How does it do this? EVIDENCE
- E - What is the effect on the audience?
How is the purpose of this advert communicated?
The Three "Go Roaming" moving image advert is promoting a specific service - data roaming while abroad. It does this in a number of ways. In a long shot, we see that the Giraffe in the advert has pink wings. It then flies into the sky against high key lighting which could have connotations of freedom. This links to the data roaming service as the company are saying that the audience could be "free" from the hassle of paying more when they are travelling..
Technical codes
Connotations - analysis
Effect on the audience
Analysing Media Language
1 paragraph
Codes and conventions
Technical/symbolic/linguistic codes
Sentence Starters
How is the purpose of this advert communicated?
The purpose of the printed advert for.......is
It does this by.....
This has connotations of...
This could connote....
This denotes....
This could make the audience think.....
It uses a typical convention of advertising.....
How well do you know slogans and logos?
Identify the companies to go with the famous slogans.
Then....can you remember and draw the logo? (No cheating!)
Brand Identity
What the company wants the audience to think of them.
- Selling a specific product
- Entertain/be memorable
- Promote the brand/build brand awareness
- Communicate a message
L.O. To develop our writing skills in preparation for the assessment
Label the advertising Codes and Conventions
Name of product
Name of brand
Main Image
Advertising techniques
- Persuasive language
- Celebrity endorsement
- Scientific facts and figures
- Emotional appeal
- Exclusive appeal
- Direct Address
- Humour
- Shock tactics
Any other writing
Media Language
Media language
Colours, objects, clothes, settings
Deeper, less obvious meaning
When you are thinking about the purpose of a media product, you need evidence to support your ideas.
Everything you can analyse in a media product is the MEDIA LANGUAGE.
Camera work, sound, lighting, editing