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Critical Legal


a movement in legal thought in the 1970s and 80s committed to shaping society based on a vision of human personality devoid of the hidden interests and class domination that was perceived to be behind existing legal institutions

Chicano/Chicana Experience

LatCrit Theory

Theoretical model that focuses on the internal identification of

Latinas/os to reflect the multidimensionality of Latinas

Critical Race Theory/LatCrit

* Double Conscienousness in CRT

* The Black/White Binary

* Critical Legal Studies

* Critical Race Theory

* LatCrit Theory

Critical Race Theory


Critical Race Theory Tenets

* powerful approach to create and challenge myths (Delgado 1989)

* tool employed to contradict racist characterizations of social life

* “A method of telling the stories of those people whose experiences are not often told” including people of color, women, gay and the poor (Solorzana & Yosso, 2002, p. 26).

* Counter Storytelling

* The Permanence of Racism

* Whiteness as Property

* Interest Convergence

* Critique of Liberalism

Theoretical Framework

Counter Arguments - "The White Man's Burden"

* Americanization

* Multiculturalism

* Racial Hegemony vs Afrocentric Scholars


Journey into the World of CRT/LatCrit

* Cultural - describing the experiences of Chicano/Chicana students

* Literary - begins with the a quote from Sandra Cisneros' novel "The House on Mango Street", also quotes from other prominent works and authors

Presentation Overview

Dr. Solorzano at AERA Conference, 2014

Re-occurring Themes

* Self-doubt

* Survivor guilt

* Cultural invisibility

* Imposer Syndrome


* Introduction/Summary

* Theoretical Framework

* CRT/LatCrit & Black/White Binary

* Chicano/Chicana Experience

* Counter-Storytelling

* Counter Argument - "White Man's Burden"

Summary & Purpose

- Define

- Authenticity

- Lived Experiences

- Reactions of Characters

- Vivid Detail

- Subtleties

- Validation

- Highlights the experiences of Chicana and Chicano graduate students through the use of counter-storytelling.

- Introduces LatCrit to the community of Critical Race Theory arguments

- Uses the characters of "Esperanza" and "Professor Garcia"

Implications for Further Research

Additional Information

Critical Race and LatCrit Theory and Method: Counter-Storytelling

* Validation of white supremacy in society

* Call for more research and avenues to debunk discourse within academia

* Create a space for multiple voices (Where am I??)

* Institutes need to create a welcoming environment for diverse students


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