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Critical Legal
a movement in legal thought in the 1970s and 80s committed to shaping society based on a vision of human personality devoid of the hidden interests and class domination that was perceived to be behind existing legal institutions
Theoretical model that focuses on the internal identification of
Latinas/os to reflect the multidimensionality of Latinas
* Double Conscienousness in CRT
* The Black/White Binary
* Critical Legal Studies
* Critical Race Theory
* LatCrit Theory
Critical Race Theory
* powerful approach to create and challenge myths (Delgado 1989)
* tool employed to contradict racist characterizations of social life
* “A method of telling the stories of those people whose experiences are not often told” including people of color, women, gay and the poor (Solorzana & Yosso, 2002, p. 26).
* Counter Storytelling
* The Permanence of Racism
* Whiteness as Property
* Interest Convergence
* Critique of Liberalism
* Americanization
* Multiculturalism
* Racial Hegemony vs Afrocentric Scholars
* Cultural - describing the experiences of Chicano/Chicana students
* Literary - begins with the a quote from Sandra Cisneros' novel "The House on Mango Street", also quotes from other prominent works and authors
* Self-doubt
* Survivor guilt
* Cultural invisibility
* Imposer Syndrome
* Introduction/Summary
* Theoretical Framework
* CRT/LatCrit & Black/White Binary
* Chicano/Chicana Experience
* Counter-Storytelling
* Counter Argument - "White Man's Burden"
- Define
- Authenticity
- Lived Experiences
- Reactions of Characters
- Vivid Detail
- Subtleties
- Validation
- Highlights the experiences of Chicana and Chicano graduate students through the use of counter-storytelling.
- Introduces LatCrit to the community of Critical Race Theory arguments
- Uses the characters of "Esperanza" and "Professor Garcia"
* Validation of white supremacy in society
* Call for more research and avenues to debunk discourse within academia
* Create a space for multiple voices (Where am I??)
* Institutes need to create a welcoming environment for diverse students