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콘텐츠 로딩 중...

By: Matthe Karr

created in by the ASPCA in conjunction with Sarah McLachlan

What is the


The ASPCA is an organization that strives to rescue injured, neglected

and abused animals.

How does the ASPCA get out the word about their mission to others?

The ASPCA spreads the word of their mission and goals to others who could possibly adopt a sheltered animal or donate to help provide for these animals. They do this by means of newsprint ads, online ads, and television commercials.


Below are listed the aspects that make this commercial the powerful driving force behind the fight against animal cruelty.

Techinques, Slogans and

Ways the commercial gathers the views attention.

Below are techinques slogans and other ways that the ASPCA uses in the commercial to convince viewers to donate to the ASPCA.


  • uses pictures and videos of sad-looking abused animals to catch the viewers attention
  • uses sad music to set a meloncholy mood that is expanded upon when used in conjunction with the videos
  • uses extra facts and phrases about animal abuse in America to drive home the point


  • no technical slogan used in this commercial
  • however the need for an end to animal abuse is stressed throughout entire commercial as well as other ASPCA comercials


  • free t-shirt and photo of an animal in an ASPCA shelter are given to those who dig deep into their hearts and donate to these injured animals


The story told in this commercial is a very sad one. Ther story focuses on those animals that have been victims of abuse and cruelty. Each of the animals represented have a story behind those sad eyes. The story of this commercial however contains a silver lining but also yet another tale of woe. In this story it is revealed that many animals are saved from death by the ASPCA. However yet again the story presents a horrible truth. For every animal that is saved there are more that it is too late for. However the ASPCA works incredibly hard to save all the animals possible. However it is very hard to discover the stories of some of these animals because they cannot speak for themselves. That is why these stories are so sad. Because they are beaten and abused but have to suffer in silence. That is also why I think this commercial is 100% honest and doesn't distort the truth in any way, shape or form. When seeing these poor animals you can literally see the hurt in their eyes.

Emotional appeal and response raised by this commercial

This commercial has a HUGE emotinal appeal and thus has a huge emotional response from the public. This commercial features real animals that are real victims of abuse. And I believe when people realize this it dawns on them how real it actually is and this makes the crowd even more sympathetic. When I say emotional response from the public I am refering to how the general populace refers to these commercials. I mean comeon you can't watch one of these commercials and not feel a tug at the old heart strings.

Message of this comercial

The message of this commercial is a simple one and is clearly illustrated throughout the entire commercial but is nonetheless very serious and concerning. The basic message of this commercial is that animal abuse, and a lot of it, is happeing at an alarming rate in America. Every 10 seconds an animal is abused in Amercia. 10 seconds. In this passage of time that probably doesn't even register with us an animal is beaten. Furthermore the message is that the ASPCA taking immediate action against animal abuse because it must be stopped and any donations can help. Also the purpose of this commercial is to try and convince people to donate money or adopt sheltered animals.

Who is this commercial directed at?

This commercial is directed at everyone. It isn't specifically directed at any one person. The commercial is simply aimed at anyone who would like to donate money or even adopt one of these animals. No particular lifestyle, point of view, race, ethnicity, political belief orr religion are denied or geared toward in this commercial. However it can be assumed that if people are in a low income situation then it would be assumed that they would advise against adopting since that could ad even more financial hardships.

People portrayed

People are not really portrayed throughout this commercial but two things can be infered both at polar ends of the spectrum of human behavior. The first thing infered can be that there is great kindness in humanity via those who donate to help these animals. And secondly it can be infered there is great evil in humanity via those who abuse these animals.

Final Conclusions

Overall I think this commercial overall is a very realistic video. Animal abuse is a terribly real thing and the ASPCA do a lot of work to try and combat the cruelty. I think the commercial was well done not leaving out any important facts or adding fictious information. It is nothing but factual info. It shows the animals in a sadly real enviroment . . . in the streets and alone :'(

Thank you for watching! Donate to animal shelters and help end animal abuse!!!

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