Theological Themes
1. Jesus as the climax of Israel's history
- OT promises of God are fulfilled in Jesus (fulfillment formulas).
- God acts directly and visibly through Jesus to accomplish salvation for his people.
2. Jesus fulfilling Israel's role and purpose
- Matthew 4:1-11; God's son Jesus does in the desert what his son Israel could not.
- Israel as God's son: Exod 4:22-23, Hos 11:1.
Theological Themes (cont.)
3. Kingdom of Heaven (God)
- Jewish circumlocution for Kingdom of God.
- Present in Jesus, a call to radical righteousness
4. Jesus and the Law
- Abolished or authoritative?
- Mt 5:17-18
- Mt 5:21-48
- Old Covenant vs. New Covenant?
Structure and Outline
- Alternating structure of narrative and discourse
Basic outline
1. Prologue: Genealogy and Birth (1-2)
2. Appearance of the Messiah (3:1-4:11)
3. Ministry to Israel (4:12-11:1)
4. Rejection by Israel/Acceptance by Disciples (11:2-20:34)
5. Confrontation with Jerusalem (21-25)
6. Passion and Resurrection (26-28)
Historical Setting
Let the reader understand
Literary Features
Conflicted Hellenistic-Jewish audience
- Jewish terms and customs
- Greek language
- Theme of conflict with the Jewish community (Mt 23)
Place, Date, and Authorship
- Place: Antioch?
- Date: Pre-70 or post-70?
- Author: Matthew? (see debate over Papias' excerpt in Strauss 252)
1. Conciseness: generally shorter than Mark (see healing of Jairus's daughter)
2. Structural signals: key transitional phrases in Matthew.
- "And it came about when Jesus finished these words..."
- "From that time Jesus began to..."
3. Fulfillment formulas: emphasize Jesus' fulfillment of OT prophecies.
- "This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet, saying..."
Describe the likely audience of Matthew's Gospel.
What is a fulfillment formula?
What is the basic structure of Matthew's Gospel?
Name and explain one theological theme of Matthew's Gospel.
The Gospel According to Matthew
A Very Short Introduction