Quality Improvement VS. Research
A broad overview
What is it?
HHS defines Research as "a systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalized knowledge. Activities which meet this definition constitute research for purposes of this policy, whether or not they are conducted or supported under a program which is considered research for other purposes. For example, some demonstration and service programs may include research activities." (HHS, 2010)
Quality Improvement
In English....
- Human participants
- Intervention
- For the purpose of the greater knowledge well
- Unit based- for the unit
- aimed at answering a unit based question (not a practice based question)
- Normally low-no cost
- Normally, does not include patients, HIPPA protected information, a vulnerable population, or an intervention with a patient
- We all know HIPPA protected info
- Vulnerable populations we deal with frequently= prisoners, pregnant women, children, those with mental illnesses
- If you work in these areas- be advised your patients are considered more "at risk" then others to be wronged in a research project
- Why?
- Looking at falls data for the system to make a conclusion about falls in general- not Cox specific
- Surveying your nurses on satisfaction to make a general conclusion about nursing satisfaction
- Looking at CLABSI levels on your unit after CLABSI education on your unit- for general knowledge
- Looking at falls data for your unit
- Surveying your nurses on your unit to find out their specific satisfaction
- Looking at CLABSI levels on your unit after CLABSI education on your unit
Not all QI is Research, but all Research is QI.
Some QI we do doesn't have to be research- but it should/could be
Any QI that actually is Research, must be treated as research or we're in trouble
Still not sure?
- Use the checklist (in my opinion, all QI should have to complete this checklist)
- Go to the HHS website
- Ask!
Why are we talking about this?
There are two very good reasons....
We're missing out on research
Research treated as QI is breaking the law :(
- Adding the knowledge well
- Being published
- Magnet
- So close sometimes!! But yet so far (QI can almost be research often and we're missing it!)
- HHS (Health and Human services) governs research- if you're doing research you must go through the processes or you're breaking the law
- I'm trusting you not to freak out and just stop QIs!
HHS, (2010). 45 CFR 46. Retrieved from https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/regulations-and-policy/regulations/45-cfr-46/index.html.