Division of Manchu's from Chinese society
Loss of Sino-Japanese war
British control over trade
Cixi claiming power
of the throne
End of Confucian examination
Fujian independence
Election of Sun Yat-Sen
Gov. Moved back to Beijing
Yuan Shikai president
American Independence
Bourbon Reforms
Weak Spanish Monarchy
Peninsular War of 1808
Conspiracy of Machetes
New Monarchy
Mask of Ferdinand
Cry of Dolores
Battle of the Bridge of Calderon in 1811
Opposition of the Creoles to independence
Congress of Chilpancingo
Augustin de Iturbide captures Mexico City
Collapse of Iturbide's Monarchy
Republic of Mexico
Constitution Made
Valentin Gomez Farias
Four Stages of a
Chinese Revolution
Incubation stage
Incubation Stage
Castas System
Interconnected tension
diffusion of ideas of independence
Made making decisions hard
British control imports and exports
European control over Qing
Symptomatic Stage
Counter rule of Napoleon
Weakening of Qing Goverment
Debts and unbalanced economy
Sign of Mexican Independence
Ends with execution based on Inquisition
Official independence of Mexico
Symptomatic Stage
Creoles discontent- causes tension
Mexico gets independence
for real this time...
Organized Independent Government
less organized gov. system
Creation of Republic of Mexico
Led to reign of Santa Anna- Autocratic rule
Weakened/corrupted government
Led to expulsion of Examination System
Lack of control over public
Fight for Independence continues
Leads to Execution, same as battle of Bridge of Calderon
Started revolts for independence
More independence for Mexico
Crisis Stage
Ineffectiveness isolationist policies
Inspiring provinces to be independent
from China
Others followed seceding from china
Anti-Qing Governments
Convalescence Stage
Revive imperial rule
Began National Reconstruction
Shikai is Emperor
Regain power as Qing dynasty never detested
Revival of Confucian ideas
Weakening of Government war