Wes is sent to Valley Forge Military School in Waynes, Pennsylvania.
Second memory of his father
His father goes to hospital and later dies.
Wes is suspended from the fifth grade for fighting with another student.
Wes's mother begins threatening sending him to miltary school
Wes is almost arrested for spray painting.
The cops who caught him and his friend decide to give them a second chance.
Crack is introduced to the Bronx in the early 1980s.
We explains that although there were drugs in the community before, crack had a different hold. Crack was more addictive, more profitable, and more easily accessible.
1987 cont.
The other Wes Moore is born.
Wes is arrested for fighting at eight years old.
Wes meets his father for the first time. He is six years old.
Wes and his mother move from Cherry Hill to Northwood.
Cherry Hill was a very low income area in the city.
Northwood is still in the city but closer to the outskirts. It has more of a suburban feel.
Wes joins the Northwood football team.
Tony and Mary find out that Wes is dealing drugs. Tony beats Wes up and Mary flushes his stash.
Wes gets smokes weed and gets high for the first time.
Shortly after, Wes begins selling drugs.
Wes and his family move to Dundee Village.
Part of the Baltimore suburbs.
Wes fails the sixth grade.
Wes gets Alicia Pregnant.
Wes gets in a fight (over another girl). It ends in Wes shooting the boy and getting arrested.