Elements of Style: Diction
Astrology in Medicine
"and whether dry, cold, moist or hot"
"All his apothecaries in a tribe"
"There were no superfluities for pleasure"
"kept the gold he won in pestilences"
"had a special love of gold"
- The position of the planets were used to give people diagnosis
- Physicians thought planets out of balance were causing sickness
- Charts associating horoscopes or stars to certain body parts
Physicians in the Medieval period believed in the four humors, yellow bile, black bile, blood and phlegm. All these traits were based from the four elements thought to be comprised of the earth (fire, earth, air and water).
The Canterbury Tales: The Physician
- Bleeding, Sweating and Vomiting were used to restore balance of the four humors
- Herbs finely ground in to various potions/powders
- Finely ground gold was used in potions that only the rich could usually afford
- Dios - 1st century Greek physician
- Galen - Physician and author, studied at Smyrna, Corinth and Alexandria
- Hali, Serapion, Avicenna - Arab physicians and astronomers
- Averroes - Moorish medical author from Morocco
- Bernard, Gaddesden, Gilbertine - Professor, Medical authority and Chancellor
Limits of the Physician
Canterbury Physician
- Doctors had own ideas/opinions on illnesses
- Operations were carried out by "surgeons" who were butchers and barbers
- Did not sterilize any medical instruments
- No knowledge of germs/bacteria at the time
- Very well versed in both medicine and surgery
- Learned from the foreign doctors
- Knew every remedy and cause
- Rode in blood-red garments with bluish grey
- Very thrifty in terms of spending
- Well educated and a good speaker
- Disciplined Doctor
- Had very good connections