Improving the world
- More kids would be able to have a better learning experience focused on their needs and at their own pace in the comfort of their own home.
- Students, teachers, and parents have an immediate visibility into what the students knows and struggles at.
- This ensures that the student fully knows the material at hand.
Steps to success
1.Reasearch in dept into nuerosciece to look for clues to improve indivisualized instruction.
2.Reasearch in medical measurement technology to create a complete foundation to master personalized learning.
3.Fix time constraint problems: Hire more local teachers and tutors for extra help for the students.
4.Make sure the learning fits the students and teachers agenda.
5.Create the website/app
The Scope
- Our goal is to further refine personalized learning and to give kids a greater option of how they want to learn.
- We plan to create a website/app that can adapt to how the particular student learns, to create an environment where students can learn at their own consent.
Unknown Information
- How to solve time constraint problems when teachers are developing innovative and creative learning.
- Balancing a personalized learning agenda with the practical constraints.
Advanced personalized learning
By: Damian Riewold and Jeremy K.