It is very difficult for organism to live in this zone due to the lack of light. There is a less diverse organism life in this zone than the other zones.
Humans have had a huge effect on the hadal zone due to the increase of litter dumped into the ocean. Much of that litter sinks to the bottom of the ocean and resides in the deep s trenches creating toxic materials and food for the organisms. Other pollutants come from the discharge of contaminants from ships and a sense of runoff from rivers.
"The activities that may be of highest impact are deep water fishing together with climate change and ocean acidification, as well as the accumulation of marine litter and chemical pollutants." - Jason Hall-Spencer
Hadal Zone
by Rachel Gilmore
AKA Hadopalegic zone...
Spook fish: Looks as if there were four eyes however only two. One eye points up while he other points down so it can search for predators. Has a lifespan of five years.
This trench zone is home to the deepest and largest trenches in the ocean. The zone is found at about 6,000 meters to the bottom of the ocean. The zone is surrounded and supported by many shallower ecosystems.
The Mariana Trench
Angler Fish
*Hadal zone remains around 33-36 degrees Fahrenheit.
About 2 to 3 feet long. This fish is able to eat other fish two times its size because of the size of its mouth. One of the main consumers of the Hadal zone.
Piezophilic Bacteria
Thrives in the hadal zone due to the high pressure. It lives in tube worms and grows on algae. It is a producer of the hadal zone and also goes through chemosynthesis.
The most famous trench located in the hadal zone is the Mariana Trench. Located between Australia and Japan the trench is deeper than Mount Everest's height. The width exceeds 40 miles and is about 180 million years old. If you were to travel to the trench it would only take about ninety minutes.
Organisms such as the Angler fish have adapted by having a luminescent flesh as to attract prey. Another adaptation includes the extraordinary eye control to see every which way.
*This layer is in total darkness and covers about 75% of the ocean.
*Average Salinity is 36%
*This zone also has 8,000 lbs of pressure per square inch.
Work Cited
Census of Marine Life. (2011, August 1). The last great wilderness: Human impact on the deep sea. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 15, 2015 from
Kostal, K. (2014, April 17). To Hades and Back: Exploring the Deepest Part of the Ocean. Retrieved September 15, 2015, from