Slang Names
- Coke
- Crack
- Crystal
- Big C
- C-dust
- Blow
- Snow
- Paradise white
- Pearl
- Flake
- Baysay
- Base
- Candy cane
- White girl
- White horse
Cocaine is a white crystalline powder made from the dried leaves of the coca plant.
Interesting Facts
Short Term Effects
The use of Cocaine has decreased because people are more aware of the damage.
It is very addictive and illegal.
It is one of the most used drugs in the US.
Approximately 35.9 million Americans age 12 and older have tried cocaine at least once in their lifetime, according to a national survey, about 2.1 million Americans are regular users.
- Loss of appetite
- Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature
- Contracted blood vessels
- Increased rate of breathing
- Nausea
- Violent behavior
- Tactile hallucination that creates the illusion of bugs burrowing under the skin
- Intense euphoria
- Anxiety and paranoia
- Depression
- Convulsions
How is it used?
Cocaine can been taken by various methods: oral, intravenous, and inhalation. Or, as these methods are known on the street, chewing, snorting, injecting and smoking.
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant. Stimulants are a class of drugs that can elevate mood, increase feelings of well-being, and increase energy and alertness, but they also have dangerous effects like raising heart rate and blood pressure.
Thank You!
Long Term Effects
- Permanent damage to blood vessels of heart and brain
- High blood pressure, leading to heart attacks, strokes, and death.
- Liver, kidney and lung damage
- Destruction of tissues in nose if sniffed.
- Respiratory failure if smoked
- Infectious diseases and abscesses if injected
- Malnutrition, weight loss.
- Severe tooth decay.
- Auditory and tactile. hallucinations.
- Mood disturbances.
- Increased frequency of risky behavior.
- Psychosis.
- Severe depression.
- Tolerance and addiction.