Vygotsky- Social Constructivism
Vygotsky- Zone of Proximal Development
Classroom desk arrangement:
- the desks are arranged in pods of 4-6 students to allow communication and cooperative learning from each other
- during a science lesson about types of friction using a textbook against wax paper, crinkled tin foil, and a desk, the teacher explained the lesson goals and had them work in their groups to complete a worksheet
- I observed the students working collaboratively
- During a math lesson, my cooperating teacher was guiding the students with specific verbal prompts and examples that she knew they would be able to understand to grasp the concept
- she was teaching the concept of counting by 10,000 instead of 1000 from the previous year
My Cooperating
Educational Beliefs
Ausubel- Advanced Organizers
- "I feel it is essential to make learning relevant and to make every effort to engage students in their learning."
- "Whenever possible, I try to point out real life connections to what we are learning in class to help students understand why it is important to learn that particular concept."
- "I do also endeavor to build intrinsic motivation via student self-reflection." (Personal Communication, 2014)
Correlational Subsumption: (adding new info to what you already know-- more valuable, enriches higher-level concepts)
- During a math class, the teacher reviewed the previous concept of learning to add by thousands, and linked it with the new concept of learning numbers to ten thousand
- the students were able to see a direct correlation and
Operant Conditioning
Positive Reinforcement:
- 'Dojo' points are given to students who hand in their work on time, raise their hand, and work in a constructive manner
- the points are stored on an IPad app and the students learn to add and subtract them as they earn/loose them
- students are able to collect the points and at certain times they can cash them in for prizes as a reward
- this motivates the students to stay focused towards a specific goal.
Theoretical Teaching Framework